2024-09-23 Grease Pencil Module Meeting

Date/Time: 2024-09-23T14:00:00Z
Link: https://meet.google.com/xxo-tyin-rem

  • Antonio Vazquez (Developer)
  • Casey Bianco-Davis (Developer)
  • Daniel Martinez Lara (Grease Pencil team)
  • Falk David (Blender developer)
  • Lukas Tönne (Blender)
  • Marianne Le Moigne (Grease Pencil user at home)
  • Wu Yiming (Blender)


  • Development updates
  • Discussions

Meeting Notes

See all commits
  • Antonio: What is the conclusion for allowing layer groups in the modifier filtering
    • Falk: Can’t work on it (before beta) but would accept the change.
  • Casey: What about layer tinting?
    • Falk: Thinks that if we bring back the layer adjustments then we should have both the tinting and the thickness adjustment. Would accept the change.
  • Casey: Would it be good to have smoothing when holding shift?
    • Seems like it would be good to have. Casey will take a look.
  • Casey: Should we add an option for the draw tool to create different curve types?
    • Falk: Yes, absolutely. But it’s probably not the best time yet since a lot of operations (e.g. in edit mode or sculpt mode) don’t support other curve types well enough, so we should maybe hold off on that for now.
  • Samuel: Topic on pasting strokes between objects (object space vs. world space).
    • Currently uses layer space, often not desired.
    • Should be object mode by default.
    • Maybe there should be an option to use world space too.
  • Discussion: Prioities for features that still need to land.
    • Falk is looking at the following for this week:
      • Applying modifiers to all frames. This also involves joining objects and merging layers.
      • Armature parenting with automatic weights
      • Bézier curve fitting
    • Masking in Sculpt/Vertex/Weight mode (Lukas is looking into it)
  • Discussion: Grouping the primitive tools
    • Proposal:
      • Group the primitives into a single tool in the UI (like e.g. the selection tools).
      • Move and reorder the tools to be 1) Draw tool 2) Eraser 3) Fill 4) Primitive for the first group of tools.
      • Remove and replace the line tool with the polyline tool.
    • Seems like people are ok with this.
    • Casey: Might be good to have a pie menu to switch between primitive tools.

Next Meeting

  • Time/Date: 2024-10-07T14:00:00Z

Strongly disagree with removing the grease pencil line tool. Although its functionality is quite similar to the polyline tool at the moment, the line tool would be far more efficient if the confirmation step was removed. This is how the line tool works in Photoshop and it’s very fast for technical drawings.
Drawing straight lines rapidly with the polyline tool alone would be cumbersome and require constant confirmations of the stroke.


Thanks for the feedback. Removing the confirmation step is a bit out of scope, I don’t think we have the time to change that now. For 4.3, it might be better to just leave the line tool in then.


The change has been merged (GPv3: Draw Mode: Reorder tools in toolbar · c496ad20c8 - blender - Blender Projects)

Line tool is kept for now.

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agree with @WickedInsignia I and other people that come from 2d background use line tool extensively. Right now the tool i clunky I think I even add thread on right click select few years ago with the same issue.

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