Day and Time: 2024-08-19T21:00:00Z
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- Howard Trickey
- Sean Kim
- Jonathan Lampel
- Nika Kutsniashvili
- Howard has done review. Would like Campbell to take a quick look.
- Bevel edge group PR
- Howard will do final review soon
- Request for circle tool from Loop tools to be builtin Blender tool
- General agreement that if any modeling tools should move from addon to Blender C++, this is prime candidate
- Nika looked at the code - thousands of lines for each subtool. The circle tool handles numerous edge cases, such as what happens when there is a mirror modifier. So not a quick-and-easy job to make this a C++ tool
- Nika also noted: the Mesh > Transform > To Sphere already built into Blender kind of does a “circularize” operation if all of the selected vertices are on the same plane, so there is already a start to what “circularize” would do – it’s the edge cases that would need to be worked on.
- Request to look at report “Moving/grabbing depends on the pivot point when it should not”
- #110167 - Moving/grabbing depends on the pivot point when it should not - blender - Blender Projects
- Those present who had looked at it felt that this was a real issue
- Howard will take a look after the meeting
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