2024-08-16 Projects Updates meeting

Attendees : Clément Foucault, Falk David, Fiona Cohen, Jeroen Bakker, Sergey Sharybin, Thomas Dinges


  • Animation > Sybren (not present)

  • Brush Assets > Dalai/Julian (not present)

    • Julian worked on a design proposal for some bug fixing
    • To follow up on again in 2 weeks - goal is still to find the right way to hand over to modules for maintenance
  • Grease Pencil 3 > @filedescriptor

    • Sergey advises to land the SVG I/O patch
    • Next week Falk and Sergey to check on what will need to be done / followed up beginning of September (when Falk will be on holidays)
    • Some parts of GPv3 to port into Overlay Next > task to be created
  • Sculpting > @sergey

    • Moving away from refactoring brushes to refactoring other parts (see Sculpt Brush Refactor #118145)
    • DynTopo pt2: not started yet, on Sergey’s desk
    • Sean is starting to look into multires tasks
    • Planning to stop project at the end of September and then have tasks taken on by module (Sean, and with Julien’s return)
  • Vulkan > @Jeroen-Bakker

    • Back from holidays, see status-reports
    • A dev from Intel is interested in contributing. Jeroen created a couple of tasks to introduce them to our process
    • ARM engineers interested in contributing, to be defined how can be done and when - was not planned for current dev plans.
    • Implemented a prototype (blender/blender#126353) for better resource discarding/destruction, then wrote a design proposal
    • Next step: finalize and implement design
    • Then should be close to being proposed to users for testing (backend)

Action items

  • @fclem : create task for porting some GP3 features in Overlay Next
  • @filedescriptor and @sergey to meet next week (before Aug 24th) to agree on what will need to be checked while Falk is off