2024-08-12 Grease Pencil Module Meeting

Date/Time: 2024-08-12T14:00:00Z
Link: https://meet.google.com/xxo-tyin-rem

  • Antonio Vazquez (Developer)
  • Casey Bianco-Davis (Developer)
  • Falk David (Blender developer)
  • Iliya Katueshenock (Developer)
  • Lukas Tönne (Blender)
  • Matias Mendiola (Grease Pencil team)
  • Nick Fox-Gieg (York University)
  • Sietse Brouwer (Developer)
  • Thomas Dinges (Blender)
  • Wu Yiming (Blender)


  • Development updates
  • Discussions

Meeting Notes

See all commits
  • Discussions
    • Lukas: Wanted to talk about edit mode segment selection in combination with multi-frame editing
    • Seemed like everyone agreed that segment selection in multi-frame editing should select per frame. E.g. instead of treating all the frame as one and finding the intersections, it applies the segment selection per frame in a “batch-like” operation.

Next Meeting

  • Time/Date: 2024-09-09T14:00:00Z