2024-08-08 Triaging module meeting

Triaging Module Meeting

Biweekly Triaging module meeting for planning and coordination.
Folks on the payroll should attend if possible, others are invited as well.
In these meetings, we can keep us up-to-date on everything triaging, discuss recent important issues and see if we can bring the module forward.
I believe it is also good to see human faces once in a while :), so there is always room for some personal stuff if appropriate.

The meeting will be on 2024-08-08T11:00:00Z. It is open for everybody interested to join the video call (link below).



  • TBA


Meeting Notes

  • Number of untriaged reports is still high, this is expected around a release.

  • Handling of reports with lots of duplicates

    • If there are many duplicates for a report (E.g. 5+), the triaging module should bring the report to the attention of a developer.
  • Discuss the New Triaging Process Proposal

    • Thomas believes it should be implemented in phases. Start with the non-contraversal changes (Removal of the classification step) then implement others after discussion.
    • We had a dicussion around how the triaging team currently use milestones.
      • The triaging team might of been misusing milestones to indicate issues introduced in a specific version. It is preferred if we only add issues to the milestones if they are “Show stoppers”.
      • Milestones are primarily for planning.
  • Followups from last meeting

    • improve upon issues with unavailable hardware
    • Wizard
    • Ideas for ways to include “Bug Fixes” from older releases in the release notes
      • Alaska has started writing a script.
      • The script has a hard time automatically sorting hundreds of commits due to missing information on the attached reports.
        • We as the triaging team can improve this by filling out correct information in the report.
      • Could the script be used to get candidates for backporting to LTS releases? Probably.
      • Philipp, Iliya, and Alaska will discuss details about the script a bit more in Blender chat as we were running out of time in the meeting.
    • Proposal to add more labels: Discussion around adjustments to Blender issue labels
      • No news from the devtalk thread.
      • It was brought up in a previous meeting that Thomas might want a show stopper label. This was brought up because of the misuse of the milestone. If we improve how the milestone is used, then we won’t need it.
    • Bug reports on Extensions
      • It seems like there was progress in this area, but we’ll double check.

Following meeting

The following meeting will be on 2024-08-22T11:00:00Z. Again it will be open for everybody who’s interested.