2024-08-02 Projects Updates meeting

Attendees: Dalai Felinto, Falk David, Fiona Cohen, Sergey Sharybin, Thomas Dinges


  • Animation > Sybren (on holidays)

  • Brush Assets > Dalai

    • Julian : sync up with Campbell to figure out some remaining design questions
    • See with Harley which tasks he could work on
    • Multiple modules would have to be onboarded / take care of maintenance, to be discussed further
  • Grease Pencil 3 > Falk

    • Should get feature parity by the end of August, as per last plan
    • Then focus on bug fixing, regression, performance before 4.3 Beta
  • Sculpting > Sergey

    • Still working on refactors
    • All brushes but 2 are ported to the data oriented code
    • Started looking into DynTopo pt2
  • Vulkan > Jeroen (on holidays)

Finishing a project

→ When is it handed over to module, for regular maintenance?

  • What is the end of “bug fixing as part of a project”? > Ok to release in current state.
    Project lands, we keep people on it to address bugs for a while. Especially high priority.
  • What is regular bug fixing / maintenance? > Bugs that occur after that initial “stable enough” release.
  • Rule of thumb: we should not add technical debt on the plate of modules

Dev Talk feedback threads

→ How long should be leave them open once a project is completed?
Can be kept opened or can be closed, depends on what the developers wish to get out of them.