2024-07-19 Projects Updates meeting

Attendees: @dfelinto @filedescriptor @FoxGlove @sergey @ThomasDinges @sybren

  • Animation > Sybren

    • See also Project Baklava phase 1: multi-data-block animation #120406
    • Nathan and Demeter to have discussions about rigging before Demeter leaves in August / or in October
      Handover of the whole CloudRig
    • Have given the animators phase 1 to test, feedback is ongoing (see DevTalk thread)
    • Additional work to be done for strips data storage (a few days)
    • Nathan looking into support for the NLA
    • Patches in review for backward-compatibility Python API
  • Brush Assets > Dalai

    • Focus on bug fixing and fixing issues for Grease Pencil (a couple of weeks)
    • TBD how much work still has to be done on this project.
      Will depend on the feedback, if that puts some changes in question.
    • Design meeting to come for the Remote Asset Library (Dalai, Pablo V, Francesco), to prep for Q4
  • (Eevee Next > ClĂ©ment: in 4.2 > removed from the list, now in maintenance)

    • NPR (online) workshop next week
  • (Extensions > removed from the list, now in maintenance)

  • Grease Pencil 3 > Falk

    • Feature parity for 4.3: GPv3: Feature Parity #123468
    • To get help on: from Sean? Sergey to ask.
      • Bake mesh animation to grease pencil
      • Trace Image/Video
      • Industry compatible keymap
      • Curve editing operators
    • Will need new brushes for vertex paint mode. Who could work on that, Sean?
      Do we already have the custom icons for them? @Julien
    • Started looking into removing GPv2 parts that shouldn’t be used anymore
  • Sculpting > Sergey

    • Some brushes remain to be ported
    • Hans started looking into PBVH (paint bounding volume hierarchy)
    • Should be able to tackle DynTopo pt 2 in August
  • Vulkan > Jeroen

    • See Vulkan Status reports
    • Intel are available to work on driver side, don’t have resources to work on Blender side