Day and Time: 2024-07-01T21:00:00Z
Meeting Link
- Howard Trickey
- Campbell Barton
- Jonathan Lampel
- Nahuel B
- Current Projects - Status
- No significant updates from either Howard or Campbell
- Suggestion to look at this quad remesher: GitHub - nicopietroni/quadwild: Implementation of Reliable Feature-Line Driven Quad-Remeshing
Presentation- most people are using external tools (paid addons) to remesh
- libraries of this code may be problematic - maybe depends on how big the library is
- at this point, without more investigation, hard to know if this library is feasible
- Request to move this bevel weight patch along
- Request to move this SLIM UV PR along.
- Brecht was shepherding this but he’s going on sabbatical and needs us to take over
- Nahuel B has tested it some and finds it very good, when it works
- Jonathan would like to try testing it too
- See this thread SLIM UV Unwrapping - #52 by glukoz
- Should be an additional unwrap algorithm, not a replacement (conformal is sometimes better)
- If what is needed is mostly code-style reviews, maybe not so bad
- Campbell and Howard will both have a look to see what state we think it is in and report back next meeting
- Topic of “Synch UV” comes up now and then
- How should it work?
- There’s a design task but it is not fully fleshed out
- An issue with knowing whether vertices are overlapping or merged when exporting to other software
- Question about the fact that a vertex in UV space corresponds to a set of contiguous corners in 3D space delimited by edges that are UV seams
- We should all (but especially users) look at the design task and contribute to it to reach a consensus on what should actually be implemented
Next Meeting:
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