2024-06-17 Grease Pencil Module Meeting

Date/Time: 2024-06-17T14:00:00Z
Link: https://meet.google.com/xxo-tyin-rem

  • Amélie Fondevilla (LFS, Developer)
  • Antonio Vazquez (Developer)
  • Casey Bianco-Davis (Developer)
  • Falk David (Blender developer)
  • Iliya Katueshenock (Developer)
  • Lukas Tönne (Blender)
  • Samuel Bernou (ADV Studio, Dev)


  • Status update
  • Development updates

Meeting Notes

  • Status update
    • GPv3 is now the default Grease Pencil in Blender 4.3.
      • Experimental options are removed.
      • GPv2 is not exposed at the UI level, but still accessible via python. Will be fully removed at a later stage. The goal is to only have GPv3 in 4.3.
    • Until August 28th (start of bcon2) work on missing features will be ongoing. After that the focus will be on bug fixing and stabilizing.
  • Development updates
Show all commits
  • Antonio: It would be nice if we can add layer group filtering for modifiers for this release.
  • Samuel: On the topic of the filters in the modifiers by name, it would be nice if these could update when the name of the layer/group changes.
  • Antonio: While drawing a long stroke, Blender slows down more and more.
    • Falk: Noticed this too. Will have to investigate further and profile. We haven’t been focusing on performance so far.
  • Antonio: Mentioned some missing features. Falk will look into adding todo tasks for these.
    • Trace Image
    • Import/Export (needs a task)
    • Keymap for I in draw mode for the keyframe menu (insert/clean/etc.)
    • Overlay menu is missing some entries, e.g. Grid
    • Selection tool in sculpt mode

Next Meeting

  • Time/Date: 2024-07-02T14:00:00Z