Check the overview thread for more information about the meeting.
- Cartesian Caramel
- Hans Goudey
- Jacques Lucke
- Simon Thommes
- Iliya Katueshenock
Meeting Topics
- Things we still want to get into 4.2
- The Set Instance Transform node
- Move the viewer node to the current position
- Slide operator for moving nodes
- Capturing multiple attributes at the same time
- Renaming socket items directly in the node editor
- Hans will look at the offset in the label
- Feedback from Cartesian Caramel
- The “Deform Curves on Surface” node is a black box with some issues currently
- We are missing some low-level features to implement this as a node group with consistent abstraction levels.
- The plan is to expose the surface object at the modifier level rather than retrieving it from the geometry socket. That relates more generally to the ability to expose more than one geometry socket to the geometry.
- The tangents are problematic currently, both Ben and Simon replaced them with a node group that calculated tangents from a UV map.
- We need the ability to get the original geometry of an object
- Geometry Nodes: Quaternion to Axis Angle: There is always shift on 90 degree
- UDIM textures are not supported
- This wasn’t a big technical challenge (might have to look into only loading used images)
- Vertex groups can be edited but not created
- The ideal solution is that vertex groups become attributes, and that modifiers become node groups that support attributes.
- High level (more global) inputs would be helpful in some cases
- View layer custom properties could be accessible in geometry nodes. It may be possible to make dependencies granular, but everything should at least update-- granularity would just be an optimization.
- Curve to Mesh UVs
- Outputing the length along the main and profile curves as anonymous attributes on the face corner domain would make this less hacky and still not make arbitrary decisions for users.
- Access to Parent object
- Before geometry nodes starts evaluating we need to know which other data-blocks it depends on. Granualar dependencies are necessary to avoid cyclic dependencies and unnecessary updates.
- Camera info
- The node itself would be great. Idealy we would want a more minimal set of inputs and try to reduce reduncancy. Panels might be a way to organize things better.
- Need for image socket in shader nodes
- There is a design for that: #112547 - Material reusability and fields - blender - Blender Projects
- Scene time in shader nodes
- Needs implementation! Removing drivers can help reduce unnecessary updates too.
- The “Deform Curves on Surface” node is a black box with some issues currently
- Geometry Nodes: Curve Plane node
Need Help
- Implementation of the scene time node in shader nodes would be helpful.