- Habib Gahbiche
- Omar Emara
- Sergey Sharybin
Notable changes:
Improve interactivity for GPU compositing PR #120656
Updates from Habib:
- Render/domain size visualisation patch
- Fast viewing with shortcuts
- Need general agreement between users
- Make proposal from our side
- Sergey will catch up with feedback, and help with finishing design from our side
- Exposing interpolation methods
- Mark as good first issue
Updates from Omar:
- Fast gaussian
- Numerical stability
- Split into smaller order filters. Omar has implementation, but needs debugging
- Fast gaussian
Ready to move GPU compositor out of experimental
- Check on split vs. unified setting (for viewport vs. final compositors) with Brecht
- Check behavior of GPU compositor scene on a server machine without GPU
Omar will check on software rasterization performance
Gabor patch
- Omar might pick it up if needed for 4.2
Practical Info
This is a fortnightly video chat meeting for planning and discussion of VFX & Video in Blender. Any contributor (developer, UI/UX designer, writer, …) working on these areas in Blender is welcome to join and add proposed items to the agenda.
For users and other interested parties, we ask to read the meeting notes instead so that the meeting can remain focused.
- Google Meet
- Google Calendar Event
- Next Meeting: May 7 2024, 12:00 to 12:45 PM Amsterdam Time (Your local time: 2024-05-07T10:00:00Z)