Check the overview thread for more information about the meeting.
- Jacques Lucke
- Iliya Katueshenock
- Dalai Felinto
- Lukas Tönne
- Hans Goudey
- Simon Thommes
Since the Last Meeting
- Iliya made the Face Group Boundaries node significantly faster with multithreading
- Hans committed a refactor of the extrude node that should improve performance in some cases
- The requirement of a geometry input for node group drag and drop in the viewport was removed.
- Lukas continued working on the new volume grid socket design. In the process, the current experimental volume nodes were removed.
Meeting Topics
- ID Properties - Support Enum
- The team talked with Bastien about this. There was some agreement that a new type would probably be the simplest design, but Bastien will look more at this later.
- #116044: Handling and Control of Instance Hierarchies
- Many operations need to be possible on any part of the instance tree, not just the top level instances.
- Selecting non-root instances is tricky. There would need to be some ID path for every level of the tree.
- For Simon, the most important right now is realizing instances to a certain depth, but there are quite a few related features.
- #113431: Geometry Nodes: Add Active Camera input node
- The ideal solution would be to handle this in a more elegant in regard to the dependency graph.
- The patch is good as a first step and could get in as it is, and could be improved later in main.
- #116067: Matrix Sockets
- First wrap up the Rotation socket
- Change the “Instance Rotation” node
- Add the “Rotate Rotation” node.
- Deprecate Rotate Euler
- See Axis to Euler node
- Do the same thing for the “Align Euler to Vector” node.
- Multiply matrix node instead of “Transform Matrix”.
- Remove “Translate/Rotate/Scale Transform” for now, since those are technically redundant with the multiply node.
- Get feedback from Brecht on the naming.
- First wrap up the Rotation socket
- #116066: Curves: Add basic custom normals support
- “Custom” should become the default
- We might want to use a different word besides “Custom” to give us more flexibility in the future for different method. “Free” normal would work.
- #114768: Function node support for blackbody shader node
- #115982: Nodes: Show active node position & width when Developer Extras enabled
- There isn’t a strong enough reason to add this, and it raises design questions that don’t have clear answers. So for now skip the patch.
- #115664: WIP: Geometry Nodes: Visualize viewer as text
- Color should be called “Color Opacity”
- The text option can be called can be called “Value as Text”
Need Help
- Curves to New Curves good next migration tasks:
- #105038: Curves edit mode Bezier handle editing
- #105037: Curves edit mode Bezier handle drawing
- #105054: Curves edit mode extend/extrude operator
- Port more operators from the curve object to the hair curves edit mode.