Check the overview thread for more information about the meeting.
- Dalai Felinto
- Hans Goudey
- ?
Meeting Topics
- Status of ongoing projects
- #113431: Geometry Nodes: Add Active Camera input node
- Should we accept the limitation of depending on all the active cameras in the scene while the dependency graph is figured out properly?
- Yes, this is a clear first step
- #106997: Geometry Nodes: Object and Collection Input
- These are reasonable input nodes, not much design required here, though it may raise the importance of showing data-blocks in the modifier’s internal dependencies panel.
- Grease Pencil and Instances:
- Sample curve node and index to take Layer 0.
- Dalai will tackle this.
- Name the (layer) instances.
- Split to instance / Grease Pencil issues #114310
- Show instance data in spreadsheet.
- Hans can create a to do task for this.
- Look for a solution for optimization in case we decide to realize all layers in the conversion nodes.
- Sample curve node and index to take Layer 0.
- Object mode node tool support
- Worth adding early on in 4.1? There isn’t really any technical complication.
- The main question is the selection. Since it’s not visualized in object mode, it may be confusing to use it in object mode.
- There would be no per-element selection (input always outputs “true” and the set selection node doesn’t work).
- #104957: Node Wrangler: Remove Switch Type operator
- Seems like the right thing to do.
- Hans and Simon went over some usability topics, and decided the most important was resolving duplication of appended asset data-blocks when appending node groups with nested assets. #114280 - Overall usability checkup - blender - Blender Projects
Need Help
- Curves to New Curves good next migration tasks:
- Node groups that reimplement some of the old behavior