Check the overview thread for more information about the meeting.
- Dalai Felinto
- Hans Goudey
- Iliya Katueshenock
- Lukas Toenne
- Sam Aldhaher
Meeting Topics
- #113368: Node Editor: Add overlay to automatically label reroute nodes
- Make sure that the name doesn’t show when zoom out
- Show to Simon
- Using different colors for the explicit labels might not be necessary
- Open a production tree to see what it looks like
- Check how much it helps to use the generic output names of some nodes (e.g. just “Geometry”)
- Random rotation node group asset
- Grease Pencil integration
- Join Geometry for Grease Pencil
- Just concatenate layers
- Order of layers after concatenation?
- Being consistent with the visual order would be nice since users might expect it that way
- But it’s more important that we treat layers consistently
- Currently in geometry nodes we don’t consider the correspondence between the visual layout in the scene and the layout of the node graph
- The “Sort Elements” node that’s already planned can sort layers
- Realize Instances for Grease Pencil
- The realize instances node creates a flat list of all the instanced layers
- A future “depth” input can limit the creation of layers
- A separate node merges the data of layers
- Grease Pencil viewer in the viewport can’t be supported yet
- Grease Pencil integration next steps:
- Falk:
- Join Geometry
- Duplicate Element (layer)
- Realize Instance
- Apply Modifier
- Dalai
- Material nodes & other open patches
- Fillet Curve
- Jacques
- Material Socket filter
- Material Node
- Set Material
- Replace Material
- Viewer Node (spreadsheet)
- Instance on Points propagation
- Material Socket filter
- Falk:
- Join Geometry for Grease Pencil