2023-07-12 Sculpt/Texture/Paint Module Meeting

Practical Info

This is a weekly video chat meeting for planning and discussion of development related to the sculpting and painting in Blender. Any contributor (developer, UI/UX designer, writer, …) working on these features in Blender is welcome to join and add proposed items to the agenda.
Write us a message in the module chat if you’re interested.

For users and other interested parties, we ask to read the meeting notes instead so that the meeting can remain focused.


  • Julien Kaspar
  • Joe Eagar
  • Sergey Sharybin
  • Daniel Bystedt
  • Hans Goudey


  • Meeting about #109820 - Polishing the Painting Experience

    Small meeting with artists at Blender Studio on Thursday.
    Goal is to get an overview for a short-term push to resolve most important texture painting issues/features.
    Daniel will also collect his own list and share it.

High Priority Bugs

Current Tasks

  • #104613 - WIP: Sculpt: dynamic topology refactor - blender - Blender Projects
    We talked about the current progress of making the PR more reviewable.

    Joe marked various debug code. The debug code might be necessary later on.
    But it would be better to remove this code in or before review and implement it as official debugging tools in Blender.

    There was some discussion on the review process in general and the challenges of small incremental changes. This discussion will be moved to another time.

  • #105298 - Sculpt/Painting Modes: Revamp Keymap
    Main IC keymap PR is ready. But it’s missing testers/stakeholders.

Other Topics

  • Face Color Attribute Painting
    USD importer will support generic attributes soon.
    So the plan is to work on face attribute support for vertex paint mode (iconically).
    Hans hasn’t done much work yet. More to be seen.

    We could eventually rename the mode to Attribute Paint mode as planned
    (The technical paint mode for any generic attributes) as opposed to Paint/Sculpt Mode (for artistic
    color related painting).
    This will facilitate the mode to support more generic attributes in the long term.

    Sculpt mode could get same support, because face corner colors were meant to be supported anyway.
    Would need a bit more work to avoid copy-pasting code though.

  • #109773 - Creating UV Maps from Face Sets
    New task based on popular request. This wasn’t discussed much in the meeting but the need for it was acknowledged.

  • #92944 - Missing Face Set Operators
    What face set operators are missing and actually needed?

    Converting to material slots is mainly for interfacing with addons. Not needed anymore since face sets attribute is exposed for python.

    The best short term goal should be to fully support geometry node operators in sculpt mode. This could already be done and tested in 2 weeks.
    Keeping the operators simple would be beneficial.
    Some official ones should be bundled geometry node assets . The hair asset nodes are a great example for what to do there. This also invites users to experiment and make their own operators via nodes.

    Saving and loading face sets and masks should be a great first target.
    Could be nice as first test case for geometry node operator in sculpt mode.
    Performance needs to be tested.

    Making face sets a public attribute is also an option.
    But this can cause issues since the attribute is also used for tools. That’s not ideal.

  • Joe is trying out a new brush task api. He’ll share something once ready.