March 14, 2023, 5:43pm
Bastien Montagne
Brecht Van Lommel
Dalai Felinto
Campbell Barton
Sergey Sharybin
Thomas Dinges
Francesco Siddi
For every active project there will be one admin delegate that follows the project and helps it stay on track, and who is also available for planning/resource questions by those working on the project. For the current active projects the following was agreed:
Bastien : USD, Vulkan
Brecht : Cycles (studio open movie), Eevee Next, Hydra, Gitea
Campbell : Extensions, UV Tools
Dalai : Grease Pencil, Brush Assets, Simulation Nodes
Sergey : Compositing (studio open movie & realtime), Sculpt, Character Animation, Infrastructure
Revoke repository write access for inactive accounts
Dalai will write the script to make the list, Thomas will move developers to new teams and announce after
Move or remove old Blender branches
Sergey and Francesco will likely work on this
Publishing security policy
Campbell will publish it, mailing list is not required for now
Accessibility Conformance Reports
Contents was checked and is ok, Francesco will put it on
Blender dev weekly reports:
Francesco looked into website to make it easier for developers to write these, and to present it better
Also related to plan for moving wiki to markdown repository
No decision to be taken right now, will be looked at further
Gitea is in a working state now but some things still planned:
Working with Gitea developers to add improvements, particularly related to triaging
Improve manual and translations contribution process, with Git LFS, Weblate, etc