2023-02-14 Sculpt/Texture/Paint Module Meeting

My workflow would benefit from being able to change metalness and roughness on the Matcaps from the “Viewport Display” area. Probably easier than assigning different Matcaps to the materials but that solution would still be way better than only one Matcap look for the whole scene.

And if the goal is to fix it entirely, couldn’t there be a:
Layering of the specular, color and metal on top of either a flat surface (mimicking the studio lights effect) or on top of a matcap? Merging the best of both and making it cleaner?

Even if it’s not perfect in my proposal, there might be a way to integrate those two and simplify the panels at the same time… Saving “looks” as presets would be great too.

In 2.8+ Materials can be set up as matcaps by using shifted normal, but it fits mostly ortho view.

Makes sense to me.
I wouldnt like to have to create materials just to use matcaps per object in solid view. Because this is the problem, matcaps per object in solid view. For rendering, a new matcap node would be enough.

I like that. :+1:

But this is for rendering, which is not the issue here.

Not at all, this works in the viewport thanks to Eevee.

No, eevee is still rendering, and not suitable for heavy poly work.
This request is for solid view.

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We tried to request the cheapest/no-effects but fastest texture display viewport mode with no effects for such kind of a purposes, but in practice we has got viewport with no mipmaps.