2022-07-14 Pipeline, Assets & I/O Meeting

Everyone is welcome on the Google Meet linked below every other Thursday, at 17:00 CEST.

Present: Bastien Montagne, Michael Kowalski, Sonny Campbell

The meeting covers the pipeline & I/O module in a broader sense, including some topics hosted in other modules (e.g. some I/O python add-ons, or overrides and .blend file I/O from the Core module).



Flamenco 3.0 is underway, still under heavy development. An initial beta release is aimed for early August.


Sonny made a patch adding volicity support for USD. He is happy to help with anything regarding USD, maybe in material areas (materialX ?).

Micheal works on USD fixes and enhancements, patches are still in review, will land soon hopefully for Blender 3.3.

Bastien had no time to organize the kick-off ‘collection IO’ meeting, will do tomorrow.

Next Meeting

The next meeting will be on Thursday 28th July, 17:00 CEST/Amsterdam time (your local time: 2022-07-28T15:00:00Z).

The provisional meeting agenda will be linked in the #pipeline-assets-io-module channel before the meeting.