2022-04-21 Pipeline, Assets & I/O Meeting

Everyone is welcome on the Google Meet linked below every other Thursday, at 17:00 CET.

Present: Bastien Montagne, Howard Trickey, Michael Kowalski

The meeting covers the pipeline & I/O module in a broader sense, including some topics hosted in other modules (e.g. some I/O python add-ons, or overrides and .blend file I/O from the Core module).



Michael keeps working on reports on the tracker, and adding more tests for the USD I/O code.

His main target for Blender 3.3 will be to keep porting features from the USD branch into master, recent extension of the Blender USD library build will also allow some support for new primitive types.

The recent proposal (on BF-usd mailing list, to add support for the Prelimenary Text primitive, is an interesting one.
As noted by Sybren on the mailing list, it raises the topic of how to add new schema in Blender, Micheal can ask some feedback from people having experience with this if needed.


Bastien reports that in spite of a lower availability of both developers currently working on the project, it is still on track for Blender 3.2 release, the last bits needed to cover the Usability part of the project will be committed in the coming days.

The main target for Blender 3.3 should be the ‘favorite properties’ (last part of the Usability project), and initial work on Dynamic Overrides.


Howard confirms that the new C++ importer and exporter for OBJ format will remain experimental in Blender 3.2 release.

The main goal for Blender 3.3 will be to bring them on a full feature-parity with the old Python add-on, and then make the new IO OBJ code the default option.


  • Michael Prostka has submitted a patch (D14718), to improve PLY parser handling in some specific cases, and add support of vertex colored cloud of points.

  • The update of the library versions for Blender 3.2 is on track, install_deps and cmake-based scripts have already been fully updated, builds of the new libraries should be available within a week for all platforms.

Next Meeting

The next meeting will be on Thursday 5th May, 17:00 CEST/Amsterdam time (your local time: 2022-05-05T15:00:00Z).

The provisional meeting agenda will be linked in the #pipeline-assets-io-module channel before the meeting.