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Week of 2021-12-06
- T93817: Convert Triangulate node input to a selection
- With recent input node additions, the minimum vertices can be built from simpler parts.
- The idea looks like a straightforward improvement
- Could we used
-based triangulation instead of converting toBMesh
? Maybe.
- Showing 3.1 targets to Simon and Dalai.
- Hans is probably not available (traveling in the morning).
- T93834: Customize normal of first control point in minimum twist mode
- The up vector could be stored as a spline domain attribute and used for the “start vector” of the minimum twist mode
- Store an up vector on every spline OR on every point
- The up vector is used as the initial vector at the start point for the minimum twist normal mode.
- The up vector can also be constant, e.g. for (0,0,1) it would have the same results as the Z-up mode.
- This is better defined than storing the a custom normal directly, because it’s still valid after transforming/rotating the spline.
- This could be a reserved name attribute or a built-in attribute.
- Benefits of reserved name: It can exist conceptually on multiple domains
- Benefits of built-in: The 3D vector data type is guaranteed
- The attribute name could be
(can be changed later) - The tilt would still apply on top of the calculated normals.
- Another option was storing a custom normal per point (had more downsides than the up vector option):
- There could be a custom normal layer on curve control points.
- A vector stored on each control point that could be used in nodes like curve to mesh instead of the derived normals.
- It would have to be a built-in, because they need to be normalized and orthogonal to the tangent
- The could be normalized and made orthogonal on demand, but that would be harder to debug, since the data used would be different than the data you see.
- Possibly the same name used for meshes,
- The other normal mode is “Z up”. Theoretically that could be implemented with the same “custom normal” idea.
- There could be a custom normal layer on curve control points.
- Node link search feedback from Simon
should work to cancel dragging.- Add entry with just the node name with default behavior, in addition to their sockets.
- Add shortcut to open the search directly.
Shift S
- Used by switch node operation by node wrangler. Can it be changed.
- Drag + key press to quickly add commonly used nodes.
- In the future, check the output geometry type of nodes and only show connections when they make sense.
- Named attribute discussion
- Another related thing is default names for field inputs on the modifier
- Could that be generalized for all group inputs?
- You should always be able to see what external data (named attributes) a modifier depends on, and change it.
- Group Defaults
- A way to let node groups define default inputs that are used when nothing else is connected.
- Node group asset preview generation
- Options:
- Render of the active object
- Mini-map-like view of the inside of the node group
- Screenshot of the outside of the node group
- Simon: Screenshot of the outside of the node group is probably the best first option.
- Make adding a custom preview very easy
- Add an operator that lets you screenshot an arbitrary rectangle and make it a preview
- Options: