Attending: Dalai Felinto, Hans Goudey, Jacques Lucke, Pablo Vazquez, Simon Thommes.
Sprint planning
Goal: Focus on the required curve features for the Sprite Fright bird nest asset, and bug sprint week.
- Hans will clear the sprint backlog board with Simon to leave only the bare-minimum curve related tasks for the bird nest.
- Rest of the week is focused mostly in the 2.93 bug sprint week.
Dalai presented the DAKI method a bit better, to be used in the retrospectives.
- The idea is to create tasks in the Week Retrospective column during the week.
- Those are things that will help improve the process.
- During the retrospective the team then first go over the board (tasks from last retrospective) and see if they can all be closed.
- Then populates the board with the new tasks.
- Note that problems that are raised should come with a proposed solution (nothing big, just something out of 10 minutes thinking).
- It is still unclear whether the team can pull off another project.
- The idea would be to focus on curves, volumes, material and attribute processor.
- Design and artist testing is the current bottleneck to move forward with this.
- Dalai to try to clear this up a bit. Also to present the proposal to Ton.
- Dalai suggested the attribute list to be tackled even if we don’t start the project.
Design Discussions
- Curves (control points auto-update?)
- There was consensus on having geometry-nodes to mimic what Python does.
- So when position is updated so are the handlers.
Next planning meeting: 2021-05-03 at 14:00 CEST on geometry-nodes on