1, 2 and 3 keys are still destructive in object mode

Agree with Rah on this one. When swapping between Edit Mode and Object Mode it’s very easy to lose track of which mode you’re in. The hotkey overlap of 1,2,3 then triggers a disruption of the entire workflow when you accidentally hide everything you’re working on, instead of just swapping geometry selection mode.

Yes, it is annoying. But no , I don’t think it will be ‘fixed’ in the near future. Not in the default keymap anyway. As far as I can tell there are a lot of people very much attached to 1,2,3 in editmode being verts/edges/faces and there are also a lot of people very attached to using number keys for collection management (I don’t really understand, because turning collections on and off looses all viewport visibility info so I myself hardly ever do it).

Luckily it’s easy to just change the keymap for yourself.

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As I became more experienced in Blender, I don’t make the mistake as often (heh) but it does happen. A quick undo sets me right back to where I was, probably reaching for the Tab key next.