2024-06-18 Compositor meeting notes


  • Habib Gahbiche
  • Omar Emara
  • Sergey Sharybin


  • Gabor noise patch is ready, will land soon. #121820
  • Omar is working on multi-pass compositor in Eevee. #123378
  • Omar checked on Lavapipe. It seems promising, but requires Blender to use Vulkan, so it is for later.
  • Habib pushes quick view forward.
  • On-going work from Habib:
    • Visualize render size and domain size in image editor #120471
    • WIP: Compositor: gizmo for box mask #122693

Practical Info

This is a fortnightly video chat meeting for planning and discussion of VFX & Video in Blender. Any contributor (developer, UI/UX designer, writer, …) working on these areas in Blender is welcome to join and add proposed items to the agenda.

For users and other interested parties, we ask to read the meeting notes instead so that the meeting can remain focused.


Are there plans to include Gabor noise as a compositor node? I am guessing the current implementation is for texturing/geometry nodes

All procedural textures will hopefully be ported to the compositor in the future. See for instance: #112732 - Compositor: Procedural texturing, Step 1 - blender - Blender Projects