Windows build fail with LNK2001 error

Hello there,
I m having hard time building Blender in Windows 10.
Here is the log file—> Pasteall/wqX5 (Plain Code)

Thanks for your help

Can’t seem to repro that locally, the bots also seem ok, try a fresh pull and if that doesn’t work a clean

Since morning I have been fighting with it, this is fresh master, I have nuked the Cmake cache file, let’s see.

Allright that’s a little more drastic than i was going for, which was


but hey, it’s worth a try :slight_smile:

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Do you mind check? it seems like you have 112 projects while I got 166 projects didn’t you by any chance turn some project off?
Cmake nuke didn’t work. I doing your approach, let’s see.

I’m on a lite build, given your issues came out of geo nodes, that’s ok. if not, the bots are on the most complete build and also have no issues currently

I got it worked out, so clean solution and rebuild solution did the work, thanks for your help :slight_smile:

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