What is keeping UDIM from being in master for 2.81?

I’m curious, theoretically UDIM was a red dot in the 2.81 targets, but it seems that it won’t be there.

What is keeping UDIM from being in master for 2.81?

Well, it looks like there are still uncompleted ToDos.

Some are basics that user would expect working like packing/unpacking of tiled images or ability to draw across tile borders.

Issues were raised on code review and the author hasn’t responded yet (since early August).

Additionally, there’s a ton of things to re-do after various Eevee refactors as well… plumbing through UDIM support for the realtime viewport is not trivial. For instance, the current patch that’s there lost workbench support around the time 2.80 was released; and 2.81 has diverged even further etc.

Thanks to both of you, I knew there were some things broken, but I wasn’t sure about it’s state.