Uvmap handling - new operators - ready

blender does support multi-object edit mode and unwrapping.
the uvmap handling did not yet support it.

I wrote these very useful operators below, and want to donate its code.


would someone please add it to the code base ?
almost all you have to do:
copy the code into scripts/startup/bl_ui/properties_data_mesh.py
and register the classes (see below).
thank you!

new operators (multi object):
add a uvmap to all selected objects
dis-/activate them (use selection)
delete uvmap from selected objects



# add script to file:

# scripts/startup/bl_ui/properties_data_mesh.py

# note:

# do not forget to register classes, at end of file: 

classes += classes_MESH_uvmap


# for the context menu (dropdown in data panel, uvmap section), add this line: 

col.menu( 'MESH_MT_uvmap_context_menu', icon='DOWNARROW_HLT', text='' )
# to **draw function** of

class DATA_PT_uv_texture

# 2021-11 by Emanuel Rumpf,  em-rumpf[AT]gmx.de

########## optional: move operators to: scripts/startup/bl_operators/mesh.py 
########## optional: instead create new file: scripts/startup/bl_operators/uvmap_operators.py 

class MESH_MT_uvmap_context_menu(Menu):
        adds the context menu for the uvmap-section in data-panel. (properties_data_mesh.py)
    bl_label = "uvmap - special functions (applied to selection)"
    bl_idname = 'MESH_MT_uvmap_context_menu'
    def draw(self, _context):
        layout = self.layout

        layout.label( text='uvmap - special functions (applied to selection)' )
        layout.operator( 'selection.uvmap_add_to_selected' , icon='ADD' )
        layout.operator( 'selection.uvmap_change_active_states' , icon='OUTLINER_DATA_FONT' )
        layout.operator( 'selection.uvmap_delete_from_selected' , icon='X' )
#end class: MESH_MT_uvmap_context_menu

class MESH_OT_uvmap_change_active_states(bpy.types.Operator):
    bl_idname = "selection.uvmap_change_active_states"
    bl_label = "Change active-state or active_render of named uvmap"

    uv_set_active: bpy.props.BoolProperty(name="Activate uvmap", default=True)
    uv_set_render: bpy.props.BoolProperty(name="Activate for rendering", default=False)
    uv_new_name: bpy.props.StringProperty(name="UV map name", default="new map.01")
    def invoke(self, context, event):
        wm = context.window_manager
        return wm.invoke_props_dialog(self)

    def draw(self, context):
        layout = self.layout
        col = layout.column()
        #col.label(text="Add new UV maps to selected objects")
        row = col.row()
        #row.prop(self, "my_float")
        row.prop(self, "uv_set_active")
        row.prop(self, "uv_set_render")
        col.prop(self, "uv_new_name")

    def execute(self, context):
        AA = bool( self.uv_set_active )
        RR = bool( self.uv_set_render ) 
        self .FUNC_uvmap_change_active_states( context , self.uv_new_name , make_active=AA , active_for_render=RR )
        return {'FINISHED'}
    def FUNC_uvmap_change_active_states(  context, uvmap_name, make_active=True, active_for_render=False ):
        (class independent function) 
        change the active-state of the named uvmap for all selected objects.
        # 2021-11 by Emanuel Rumpf,  em-rumpf[AT]gmx.de
        slc = context.selected_objects
        #print( 'called: FUNC_change_uv_active_state_for_selected. count of selected obs: ', str(len(slc)) )
        success = True
        for obj in slc:
            dt = obj.data
            ## remove same_name
            try: uvlay = dt.uv_layers[uvmap_name]
            except: uvlay = None
            if uvlay is None:
                print( f'Warning: uvmap with name: {uvmap_name} does not exist for object: {obj.name} -- FUNC_uvmap_change_active_states()')
                success = False
                uvlay.active_render = True  if active_for_render  else False
                uvlay.active = True  if make_active  else False
        #end for
        wm = context.window_manager
        if success:
            def draw_message( popup, context):
                popup.layout.label( text='' )
            wm.popup_menu( draw_message, title='success', icon='INFO' )
            def draw_message( popup, context):
                popup.layout.label( text='' )
            wm.popup_menu( draw_message, title='failed, see console message', icon='ERROR' )
#end class: MESH_OT_uvmap_change_active_states

class MESH_OT_uvmap_delete_from_selected(bpy.types.Operator):
    bl_idname = "selection.uvmap_delete_from_selected"
    bl_label = "Delete a uvmap by name, from all selected objects"

    #filepath: bpy.props.StringProperty(subtype="FILE_PATH")
    uv_new_name: bpy.props.StringProperty(name="UV map name", default="new map.01")
    def invoke(self, context, event):
        wm = context.window_manager
        return wm.invoke_props_dialog(self)

    def draw(self, context):
        layout = self.layout
        col = layout.column()
        #col.label(text="Add new UV maps to selected objects")
        row = col.row()
        #row.prop(self, "my_float")
        row.prop(self, "uv_set_active")
        row.prop(self, "uv_set_render")
        col.prop(self, "uv_new_name")

    def execute(self, context):
        self .FUNC_uvmap_delete_from_selected( context , self.uv_new_name )
        return {'FINISHED'}
    def FUNC_uvmap_delete_from_selected(  ctx, uvmap_name  ):
        (class independent function) 
        delete the uvmap with given name, from all selected objects.
        # 2021-11 by Emanuel Rumpf,  em-rumpf[AT]gmx.de

        slc = ctx.selected_objects
        #print( 'called: FUNC_change_uv_active_state_for_selected. count of selected obs: ', str(len(slc)) )
        for obj in slc:
            dt = obj.data
            ## remove same_name
            try: uvlay = dt.uv_layers[uvmap_name]
            except: uvlay = None
            if uvlay is None:
                print( f'Warning: uvmap with name: {uvmap_name} does not exist for object: {obj.name} -- FUNC_uvmap_delete_from_selected()')
                dt.uv_layers.remove( uvlay ) 
        #end for
#end class: MESH_OT_uvmap_delete_from_selected 

class MESH_OT_uvmap_add_to_selected(bpy.types.Operator):
    bl_idname = "selection.uvmap_add_to_selected"
    bl_label = "Add a new UV map to all selected objects" # note: replaces uvmap with equal name

    filepath: bpy.props.StringProperty(subtype="FILE_PATH")

    #my_float: bpy.props.FloatProperty(name="Float")
    uv_set_active: bpy.props.BoolProperty(name="Activate new UV map", default=True)
    uv_set_render: bpy.props.BoolProperty(name="Activate for rendering", default=False)
    uv_new_name: bpy.props.StringProperty(name="UV map name", default="new map.01")

    def invoke(self, context, event):
        wm = context.window_manager
        return wm.invoke_props_dialog(self)

    def draw(self, context):
        layout = self.layout
        col = layout.column()
        #col.label(text="Add new UV maps to selected objects")

        row = col.row()
        #row.prop(self, "my_float")
        row.prop(self, "uv_set_active")
        row.prop(self, "uv_set_render")

        col.prop(self, "uv_new_name")

    def execute(self, context):
        #print( 'OT__add_uv_maps_to_selected - calles: FUNC_add_uvmaps_to_selected.', self)
        #print( '  new UV name: ', self.uv_new_name )
        #print( '  set active: ', self.uv_set_active )
        #print( '  set render: ', self.uv_set_render )
        self .FUNC_uvmap_add_to_selected( context , self.uv_new_name , make_active=self.uv_set_active , active_for_render=self.uv_set_render )
        return {'FINISHED'}
    def FUNC_uvmap_add_to_selected(  ctx, uvmap_name, make_active=True, active_for_render=False ):
        (class independent function) 
        adds a uv-map with name to each selected object and makes it active (or not)
        example call: 
        FUNC_add_uvmaps_to_selected( bpy.context , 'atlas.a1' , make_active=True , replace_same_name=True )
        # 2021-11 by Emanuel Rumpf,  em-rumpf[AT]gmx.de
        slc = ctx.selected_objects
        #print( 'called: FUNC_add_uvmaps_to_selected. count of selected obs: ', str(len(slc)) )
        #print( 'len: ', len(slc) )
        for obj in slc:
            dt = obj.data
            #print( ' FUNC_add_uvmaps_to_selected: iterated.name: ', obj.name )
            ## remove same_name
            try: uvold = dt.uv_layers[uvmap_name]
            except: uvold = None
            if uvold is not None:
                #print( ' FUNC_add_uvmaps_to_selected: uv_map with name exists - replacing' )
                dt.uv_layers.remove( uvold )
            uvnew = dt.uv_layers .new( name=uvmap_name, do_init=True )  # do_init: copy active uv map
            if uvnew is None:
                print( f'Warning: : creating uvmap failed.  uvnew is None for obj_name: {obj.name} -- FUNC_uvmap_add_to_selected' )
            uvnew.active_render = True  if active_for_render  else False
            uvnew.active = True  if make_active  else False
        #end for
#end class: MESH_OT_uvmap_add_to_selected

## classes list for MESH_uvmap handling 
classes_MESH_uvmap = (

#end of code


also , for the context menu , add this line:
col.menu( 'MENU_MT_uvmap_context_menu', icon='DOWNARROW_HLT', text='' )

to draw function of
class DATA_PT_uv_texture

no response yet ?

it s no bloat !
these operators are useful, for uv-atlas or merged (shared) uvmaps !

Propose your code on https://developer.blender.org/ :wink: not here