Terrain Creation Workflow Proposal

Totally agree. GeometryNodes need a few more noises, better masking tools are also really important and finally erosion simulation and we can create get nice landscapes.

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I was in a bit of a rush yesterday, and upon reading my comment again today, I see that it was rather confusing. To clarify, yes, I am fully aware that each procedural texture is just a building block (although I can definitely see how what I wrote yesterday might give the wrong impression).

When I mentioned different algorithms, I was actually thinking about some of the more obscure noise functions, which could then be combined and distorted with other basic texture nodes. Sorry if I made it sound like they were supposed to stand on their own.

I totally agree; that sort of texture node would be pretty useless.

Regarding erosion, I should clarify that when I expressed skepticism about ā€œreal-time erosion,ā€ I wasnā€™t talking about erosion in general, but real-time simulations specifically. I agree with you 100% that some form of erosion simulation is needed.

By ā€œreal-time erosion,ā€ I meant that the erosion shouldnā€™t be inherently tied to the scene time. Rather, I think we need an Erosion node with a ā€œtimeā€/ā€œWā€ input so the user can plug any field into it (not just the scene time). I definitely garbled it a bit yesterday, but what I was trying (and arguably failing) to say is that an erosion function should be node-based.

Sorry for the confusion: entirely my fault. :sweat_smile:


Good news! Thereā€™s work being done on some more fundamental nodes that will be useful for creating custom procedural textures:

I know itā€™s not erosion, but itā€™s definitely a step forward.


While these nodes are convenient to have they are not enabling us to do something we couldnā€™t do before? Not complaining of course, they would be a welcome addition, just curious if Iā€™m missing something.

Hi everyone here,

I changed school 6 months ago, and I need more time to study, so I havenā€™t been able to continue this project. And as the current direction of Blenderā€™s node system is on other things, this project is no longer up to date.
Iā€™ll close this thread and archive everything related to this. It was a great learning for me, Iā€™ll keep some ideas in mind for future works. (The work done is still available at Blender Archive - developer.blender.org)

Have a good day :wink: