Suggestions on topic for Master’s Thesis on Blender

Well, if not blender at least the rest of the world could use it!

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I hope it’s good enough for other people! The worst case scenario is I learn a lot about OpenGL, which will be useful to help out Eevee development. I started contributing to Blender this week, and I most definitely intend to help out more in the future :slight_smile:


welcome to the club, dude!

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Oh wow, thank you so much! It really does feel great to hear that, this was my first important thread and you guys were super welcoming, thank you all so much!


@veryprofessionaldodo, that’s why the Blender community is one of the best communities to be a part of. :smile:

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And my thesis is chosen! Unfortunately it won’t be related to Blender as I’ve seen that it would be far too complex for me to realistically handle for someone with my skillset…

Regardless I want to thank everyone on this thread, you guys were super nice! <3

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Thank you. You’ll be using that master’s thesis knowledge to do all kinds of awesome stuff in the future!

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