Suggestions / feedback on the extensions for the gpu module

That’s a good point.

It’s still unclear whether GPU_clip_distances will be deprecated.
But surely bgl.GL_CLIP_DISTANCEi will be.
So from the developer’s point of view, it’s better to risk the GPU_clip_distances.

I will implement it.




hi, can somebody please explain me how to interpret number obtained from gpu.capabilities.max_batch_vertices_get?
for example on my machine i get:

>>> gpu.capabilities.max_batch_vertices_get()

roughly one million, right? but i can create batch from 50m points (each point with location, (normal sometimes as well) and color) without a problem? over that, blender tend to crash while creating batch (from my crash testing, around 70-80m), so i split points in several batches, 50m each. but it is empirical value, i’d like to know more…

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gpu.capabilities.max_batch_vertices_get() is just the GL_MAX_ELEMENTS_VERTICES in OpenGL.
I’m not sure what this value is used for, but it looks like it only involves performance:

I will study and edit the documentation.


aaand one more thing, can we draw antialiased from python? right now as far as i know, nothing drawn from python gpu is antialiased, we had in bgl GL_LINE_SMOOTH and such, was not ideal but worked. and with fxaa on top of my drawings i run into performance problems or crashes: ⚓ T94202 crash or error when using GPUFrameBuffer.read_color(... data=data)

Hi All, I have been experimenting with the python gpu module, and going through the examples here. I can draw the lines and wireframes as in the examples, but I can’t make a solid triangle that is properly shaded; it is just a solid color with no lighting dependence.

When I send a list of normals using batch = batch_for_shader(shader, ‘TRIS’, {“pos”: coords, “normal”: normals}), it gives me a ValueError: Unknown attribute name. I asked this in chat and one reply was that ‘normal’ is not a valid attribute, but from the vbo example here, it seems that ‘normal’ should be valid. My code is below

import bpy
import gpu
from gpu_extras.batch import batch_for_shader

coords = [(0,0,0), (0,1,0), (0,0,1)]
normals = [(1,0,0), (1,0,0), (1,0,0)]
colors = [(0.5,0.5,0.5, 1), (0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1), (1.0, 1.0, 0.5, 1)]

shader = gpu.shader.from_builtin('3D_FLAT_COLOR')
batch = batch_for_shader(shader, 'TRIS', {"pos": coords, "color": colors, "normal": normals})

def draw():

bpy.types.SpaceView3D.draw_handler_add(draw, (), 'WINDOW', 'POST_VIEW')

If anyone has an idea what I am doing wrong, I would appreciate any help. Thanks very much, and thanks for making this awesome software.

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I see now that none of the gpu.shader built-ins accept the normal attribute, so it seems that I will need to write a custom one.

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Any chance we could see an example to read the pixel value under the mouse in the current View 3D?

fb = gpu.state.active_framebuffer_get() is only returning black for me, I guess it’s not getting the View 3D framebuffer.

EDIT: So the problem is not because of the active_framebuffer_get, but the event.mouse_x and event.mouse_y that return incorrect values in 3.3 and above.

Hi, any news to expose these to the Python gpu module? since bgl is being fully deprecated in 3.5 and 2 years passed since this thread started

  • GPU_scissor
  • GPU_line_smooth


It seems we only added gpu.state.viewport_set, but not scissor testing. I don’t see an issue adding these as well as both Metal and Vulkan have support for them. Added #104911 - GPU: Add gpu.state.scissor_set/gpu.state.scissor_reset - blender - Blender Projects to track the issue.

For line smoothing we cannot use a global state anymore and it has been replaced with polyline shaders. If you need smooth lines we suggest to use polyline shaders as global state line smooth wasn’t supported by all OpenGL platforms and will not be supported by Metal or Vulkan. For polyline please check builtin shaders.


Thank you so much!!!

Sad that global state for line smoothing is not supported but glad that there is a non-global alternative at shader level :smiley:

[For other addon devs]
Here you have the source code of the POLYLINE builtin shaders which is helpful to build your custom line shaders with smoothing. Check for all gpu_shader_3D_polyline_XXX.glsl files.

Also, in gpu_shader_3D_polyline_info.hh you have the info about constants, uniforms, etc… in order to create your own shader from Python by using gpu.types.GPUShaderCreateInfo and gpu.types.GPUStageInterfaceInfo from the API


Hey there,

Will it be possible to alter the sampler state for gpu textures? It would be awesome to control the filter/wrap mode.

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Hi there,
In my sound waveform display addon I load a texture and use bgl to filter it (sharp pixel after resize) with the following:

bgl.glTexParameterf(bgl.GL_TEXTURE_2D, bgl.GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, bgl.GL_NEAREST)
bgl.glTexParameterf(bgl.GL_TEXTURE_2D, bgl.GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, bgl.GL_NEAREST)

Full code is here: sound_waveform_display/ at b8e0f79a7cd5bf181d2c1aefbe57c1e5c7da2e88 · Pullusb/sound_waveform_display · GitHub

This addon is used by quite a lot of people now, and I would like to update it to support metal and future Blender version.

I didn’t find how I can do that with new gpu module. I suppose this should be done in shader now ?
But I have no clue on how to do that ^^.

If this is supposed to be done in shader, do you have a good reference on how to manipulate texture with fragment shader within Blender ?
Is there a good place for gpu module example in general out of the official doc ?


Good point @Pullup!

The idea of exposing parameters filter, repeat, use_mipmap, clamp_to_border_color and compare_enabled when linking a texture to a shader has been discussed before (in chat).

It would be like this:

gpu.types.GPUShader.uniform_sampler(name, texture, filter='NEAREST', repeat=[False, False, False], use_mipmap=False, clamp_to_border_color=False, compare_enabled=False)

But there were some open questions in this solution. For example.

  • Would these values be better set when creating the texture?
  • Is it worth it to set default values when creating the texture?
  • Could these values be getters/setters and modified in the texture (eg texture.filter = 'NEAREST')

That’s why it went unresolved :\

Wanted to share some simple example to get things going with smoothed lines after migrating from bgl to gpu. It kind of have this bug that on zoom-out line appear more thick though.

import bpy
import gpu
from gpu_extras.batch import batch_for_shader

coords = [(1, 1, 1), (-2, 0, 0), (-2, -1, 3), (0, 1, 1)]
shader = gpu.shader.from_builtin('3D_POLYLINE_UNIFORM_COLOR')
batch = batch_for_shader(shader, 'LINES', {"pos": coords})

def draw():
    shader.bind() # required to change uniforms of the shader
    shader.uniform_float("color", (1, 1, 0, 1))
    # POLYLINE_UNIFORM_COLOR specific uniforms
    shader.uniform_float("viewportSize", (bpy.context.region.width, bpy.context.region.height))
    shader.uniform_float("lineWidth", 2.0)

    # make sure to set state before the draw
    # otherwise line won't be smoothed

bpy.types.SpaceView3D.draw_handler_add(draw, (), 'WINDOW', 'POST_VIEW')

hi @mano-wii
would it be possible to get access to instanced arrays? i’ve seen something close to it has been done recently Python: Add range and instance drawing to GPUBatch · cf572f1a64 - blender - Blender Projects but this is still not what will help if you want thousands instances of a single object drawn. for example think of drawing a fast interactive preview of many thousands instances of mesh that will be added with operator. looping over matrices and drawing meshes one by one is very, very slow…
what i mean is described here LearnOpenGL - Instancing in Instanced arrays part

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@mano-wii is there replacement for bgl.glDepthRange(zNear, zFar) in gpu module?

Is it possible to implement with gpu module some other method for smoothed lines besides polylines? Implementing polylines for each shader seems indeed cumbersome - I’ve found some simple method by the link below.

What it does is basically calculating screen position in vertex shader:

vLineCenter = 0.5*(pp.xy + vec2(1, 1))*vp;

And then in frag shader it’s checking the distance from gl_FragCoord.xy to vLineCenter to calculate the alpha to create blending effect.

double d = length(vLineCenter-gl_FragCoord.xy);
double w = uLineWidth;
if (d>w)
  col.w = 0;
  col.w *= pow(float((w-d)/w), uBlendFactor);

Would it work given the way gpu.state.line_width_set currently works?
I’ve spent awhile trying to implement it but had no success - curious if it’s possible after all and it’s worth continuing work or just stick to polylines. Posted it also on blender.stackexchange

Simple and fast high quality antialiased lines with OpenGL – vitaliburkov (

@mano-wii would you please confirm that it is not currently possible to create shader with geometry stage using gpu.shader.create_from_info? this renders (pun intended) my code impossible with metal backend…

went through all docs available (not much at the moment) and this is all i’ve found

Geometry shaders
To be completed. Due to specific requirements of certain gpu backend input and output parameters of this stage should always use a named structure. 

which is not python api related Source/EEVEE & Viewport/GPU Module/GLSL Cross Compilation - Blender Developer Wiki
nothing geometry related in GPUShaderCreateInfo

I have been recently working on an addon and it would be nice to have “blit” methods for GPUFrameBuffer and GPUOffScreen objects