SDF Functions

I played a little with those functions, and they are so much fun! Looks like a great addition to existing shading nodes. And so far I didn’t encounter any problems or bugs.

I also tried to achive anything resembling medial axis transform based on existing texture, but my math skills are not enough to tell if it is even possible with this patch.


Highly vote for that feature to be implemented in the Blender.
Just played a bit with it and this is fantastic. Expanding the proceduralism in texturing higher than the “sky is the limit”.
Very artist’s friendly!


I thought I’d also share some of the results of using the SDF nodes. I added an SDF noise node (based on Inigo Quilez :: computer graphics, mathematics, shaders, fractals, demoscene and more) on top of these for some raymarching experiments:

I really like the implementation and how the node categories are laid out etc, it fits really well with blender’s design. I just wish we had group-loop nodes…


Thanks for the feedback. I’m still updating the patch. I’ll post when I ask for another test build.


Yes, there is a lot of cool things possible if it was easier to group-loops!


@Charlie if you add a sdf texture node with an input list of 3d scene objects we should be get some thing like DistanceTexture ??.. very useful for decals, image resolution and mesh density independents shader/texture masks, veg scatter/repulsion masks…
Is this possible?


Yes indeed

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