Running script on every frame of Animation

I am making a procedural material. I wanted to animate the scale value. I wanted to animate in such a way that the scale value changes to the frame number every time the frame number is a multiple of 10, so I scripted the following:

import bpy

frame_num = bpy.context.scene.frame_current
if frame_num % 10 == 0:["noise"].node_tree.nodes["White Noise Texture"].inputs[1].default_value = frame_num

When I Run the script it works as intended. But when I do not know how to link this script to the Animation. How do I run the script for each frame?

yep, just use an app.handler for frame change. there’s one for before the frame changes and one for after it changes.

It’s also possible to create custom python scripts for drivers:

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I updated the script to the following:

import bpy

def trans_texture():
    frame_num = bpy.context.scene.frame_current
    if frame_num % 10 == 0:["noise"].node_tree.nodes["White Noise Texture"].inputs[1].default_value = frame_num

But it does not read the script after every frame. What am I doing wrong here?

are you not getting an exception? app handlers require one positional argument (scene) and according to your code you haven’t supplied it.

take a look at the example on that same page I linked

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