That fairly well summarizes my take on it, as well.
“We have invented a new noise.” Ok, fine. But artists will naturally respond with “Why is there no imagery or … anything… that shows us what it looks like, and what possibilities it offers?”
In general, I very much like having more noise options. I’ve tested the Gabor Noise build, and I absolutely loved it. Can’t wait for it to be vetted and land into Final.
So for me, it’s not a matter of Raiko having value or not - it’s having no information to even determine that. But even if it is, I absolutely don’t want it to deprecate another existing node.
Why the hostility? If Raiko is willing to do the coding work knowing that
his texture maybe rejected in the end, why dictate to him how to use his time?.
it’s not like he can force his code into blender, and using the actual
node and testing it by artist, maybe a better proof of its usefulness
than a mathematical equation …
This isn’t a feedback thread. I appreciate that artists are also trying to contribute here, but for now you’ll just have to wait.
As I said, once everything is ready you’ll get your feedback thread and all the information.
Feels like the thread was made too soon, but you’re excited to share the discovery. Interested to see where this goes.
Gonna give a quick take that if either option 2 or 3 is chosen, you could add a dropdown that lets you switch between voronoi/raiko (even if all it does is hide and show specific inputs). Also in this case the node could be renamed to be something like “Cell Texture”, which overall seems like a more fitting name for consistency with other procedural textures, noise texture isn’t called “Perlin Texture”
I don’t want to detract from your plan. I’d say: go for it. If there’s a good idea and someone willing to make it that’s when nice new stuff can appear :-D.
I was just trying to clarify why (in my opinion) you got the questions you got. I’m in no way saying you should not work on this. I’d love more good procedural textures.
To me the question in the first post is a bit hard to answer without first knowing a bit more about the proposed Raiko Texture. But please don’t take my reply as criticism. If it seems like that it’s my poor choice of wording. I was just trying to clarify a discussion which seemed to get a bit too heated…
There’s nothing to show (yet?) which is fair, and the only question asked, merging into an existing node vs making a separate node? does it really matter at this stage? For all we know there is no interest whatsoever in the core team to even accept this new texture, seems like you’re putting the cart way way waaaaay before the horse here.
I honestly don’t understand how we’re 25 posts into this thread with such… ahem… passionate… participants to the point i had to step in and moderate, when there’s so little substance here.