Raiko Texture [NOT a feedback thread!]

First of all I’m not pushing for the removal of Voronoi. My first comment after the initial post already made that clear.

Secondly Blender communication not only occurs in a single Devtalk thread. I’m assuming you’re relating to Merging the Musgrave Texture and Noise Texture nodes. The decision was not just made by me, but with consensus of multiple developers, consensus in a nodes and physics meeting, consensus from an artist from the Blender Studio, as well as an OK from multiple artists on said Devtalk thread.

You seem to be only focusing on one possible scenario I mentioned in my post, however this thread isn’t about removing Voronoi, but rather about adding Raiko Texture. Also you can in fact make such threads on Devtalk. Exchange of ideas is what Devtalk is all about, if you e.g. think you can implement a new animation system that’s better than the current one, you of course can start a thread on it, as long as you’re the one seeing it through.

In that case your concerns are unfounded. You can try to change something yourself and you’ll see what I mean.

Anyone should be able to suggest anything they want. Whether or not the suggestion is good is another question, but nothing should prevent them from being able to make suggestions.
Also I never removed a established node, but rather moved it’s features to another one.