New slots system in render view

And there is no way to compositing render slots?
You still need to save render from slot 1 and attach it as image to compositing with render slot 2?

This is a really interesting topic, I sure hope it is still alive and doing well.
For the render slots themselves, it would be nice if there could be an option to change from thumbnail + text to large/ medium/ small thumbnails with the slot name inside the thumbnail (upon mouse hover). That uses the most screen real-estate, while providing the info if needed.

Iā€™ll also point to: considering it provides further feedback on an eventual frame buffer.

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Hi sorry I know it is a old thread but this functionality would be greatly appreciated and functional, love the slider preview for comparing 2 images, seen it in other 3d software. Any news on a developers thread on it. Thanks


Hi @thornydre thanks for picking this up!

images are drawn in the image engine. draw/engines/image/image_engine.c the slider overlay could be part of draw/engines/overlay/overlay_image.c. The pixels are drawn inside a shader (engine_image_frag.glsl). Drawing using the glaDrawImBuf leads to alpha artifacts.


Itā€™s been a while since I last tried to make this work, but Iā€™ll give it another try with these new informations maybe Iā€™ll go a bit further :slight_smile:


Ah, cool that youā€™re taking a stab at this again! Was wondering though, is your implementation limited to just render slots for comparison? What if I want to take a loaded image, saved from the night before, and compare it with the Slot 5->View layer->Sample Count pass? Iā€™m not sure what the UI could look like (especially with blenders custom widgets; maybe spreadsheet nowadays) but the ability to just pick the exact A and B image data blocks you want to compare might be best.

I am a real beginner in terms of coding on a project of that scale, it sure would be a great think to be able to compare any images between each other, but for now I will stick to the proposal I made, as even that would be an amazing achievement for me. But if I succeed in doing it right, I might try to extend it further :slight_smile: But I am already glad some people support this tiny project haha :smiley:

Cheers !


Yup, sounds good. Iā€™m in no position to generate work for you :slight_smile:


Thank you for trying to improve this area :slight_smile:
IĀ“m a new Blender user (also using Modo) and I found this thread exactly because I was frustrated with how the render window or the image editor works, I would prefer that the system sorted the slots automatically like in modo.

This is not related maybe but another thing I would like is for everytime I open the render F11, I would like to see the previous renders I did. In Modo because those are stored in a temp folder and can see my previous rendered images, they show up in the frame buffer.

I guess this doesnĀ“t work similarly in Blender because what blender has itĀ“s not really a ipr right?

Thank you.

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Not sure if you are still looking for a solution 2 years later :sweat_smile:, but just incase, the renderslot add-on does this.

@EAW Thank you .

How do I use the .py file?

It is already included in Blender nightly builds. Make sure ā€œTestingā€ is selected in the preferences->add-on panel, then search for ā€œrenderslotā€

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Hi @thornydre. :wave:
Whatā€™s the status of āš™ D3492 Image : Frame Buffer > Slot system update and slot comparisons ?

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Sorry I havenā€™t had the time to work on this at all, hopefully at some point I have enough motivation to do so haha :smiley:


Hi everybody,

I knocked out a simple patch to move to the next slot on each render:

Please let me know whay you think. I thought to keep it simple at first, maybe adding protected/locked slots as a second patch.


There were some worries about memory usage. A full hi-res render will multiple layers can take a lot of memory and keeping that resident for 8 slots is probably a bit much.

Iā€™m currently looking into storing inactive lots as multilayer exrs (maybe keeping the last one in ram for quick back&forth). There is already code to save a complete render to a multilayer exr so it shouldnā€™t be too hard. Butā€¦ the codepaths are byzantine and convoluted (to me, looking at it for the first time :stuck_out_tongue: ) so it will take some time to understand.