New Sky Texture

Hi, thanks for making this amazing shader.

I would like to ask if it’s possible to add some kind of falloff/blur to the sun disk in order to make the borders more consistent to other sky textures (UE4, Unity)

Sky from UE4:

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Like the post before, this is a specific use case feature request, we won’t add it sorry. You can blur in the compositing if you want


As far as I understand, plugging a vector is useful only for changing Z rotation without recomputing the texture. If the computation is not a performance bottleneck - it doesn’t look like - we can live keyframing or putting drivers into the rotation field itself I think. So I’d go for it: remove!
One question. Almost everywhere in blender, rotations values make a loop beyound 360 and start back from zero. As in 400 degrees = 40 degrees, -40 = 320.
In this node thou this is not true, there are hard locks at 0 and 360. Can we get rid of this and let the node take care of values <0 and >360 under the hood?

thank you for the feedback!

Really? i’ve never noticed it, please could you make an example of a parameter in Blender that does it? i’m really curious at this point


oh right, sorry i thought you were talking about sliders that reset themeselves to stay in the limit of 0 to 360 but keeping the mouse sliding…
Yeah it’s possible to add that of course, but would like to know others opinions about it before

I agree, I think allowing the horizon position to wrap around above 360 and below 0 would improve the flexibility with drivers, it’ll make it a much easier tool to use.


Strange, can’t reproduce it. Please can someone try to reproduce the issue?

Or anyway try the latest build…

it’s the same behaviour in latest build from
I’m using RTX 2060 btw

I guess I will just do a regular bug report.
This bug seems to be more related to the densoiser then to the texture

Tested on another machine with RTX 2080ti and still can’t reproduce the issue with the latest build. So it may really be an Optix related bug… try to do a new project but try to also Load Factory Settings… if there is still the issue then please share the blend file here so i can test

None of that helped.
Here is the bug report with a file:

So I updated nvidia drivers and the issue is gone. Sorry to bother everyone here.
I’ve also closed the bug report

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Just out of curiosity - and if i understand it right - you can’t expose the parameters as one might put a noise texture into the slot, which in turn would break as the pre-computation is working with a single parameter per cycle?

If so - why not expose it and just use the first supplied value for all following pixels? Ignore the rest so to speak…

this is meant for sun position, not so much for vector input…

First value isn’t know until the first ray hits the background and the shader gets evaluated, which is long long after the pre-compute stage which runs before first ray is even cast.

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I tried the new sky texture, love it! Might not need HDRIs for most of my renders now. Hooray!

A few notes i’d like to share:

• Everything gets black when sun elevation < 0°
In fact I don’t know what should happen in that configuration. Should it look like a night time? Speaking of which:

• Night time is beautiful
If this sky texture could also emulate night sky with moon, that would be awesome. Now, how it would do it, I don’t know. In theory, using a negative sun elevation would reciprocally set the moon & night up. But then you want to manage the moon’s position, in which case using the sun parameter for controlling the moon might be confusing? Dunno.

• Infinite rotation
Let’s imagine someone wants to make a timelapse-like animation. You’d need to see the entire sky rotate infinitely, with the sun & moon alternating in a clear trajectory over time.
Right now, you can’t do that easily, because the sun elevation & rotation are hard locked.
Other simple scenario case:
This is a simple render with Suzanne in the world center. I’d like to have this:
Naturally, lowering the sun rotation would move it to the left as I wish. But here’s the issue: sun rotation is at zero, I can’t move the sun to the left. Which leads to a poor user experience when you can do something as simple as moving the thing where you want to. You must move it the other way around, or first set it to 360 and then you can move it to the left. Extra steps for something that should be simple and not require further handling.


First off,thanks for makeing this.The results looking good.I guess the Sky texture works similar to a HDRI?
I ask, because i have done a distance test.The cube with a array modifier,with a offset of 100m x and y,with 200 counts.This gives a distance of 20km.With " real " volumetric atmospheric scattering the cubes would be vanish into the mie/haze scattering with increased distance.It seems with the Sky texture there is no depth to it?

Glad you solved the issue! No problem :slight_smile:

Ok so… no moon and stars will be implemented, the artist can do it himself.
Good point on the rotation issue, so at this point all agree that it should not be limited to the 0 - 360 degrees range, thank you all for reporting and I will make the range to go from - infinite to + infinite for the Sun Rotation slider in the next commit!
About the night, when sun elevation goes below 0 degrees the sky starts to lose light like it happens in nature, so you should increase the Exposure value of the Color Management section at this point

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Absolutely no mist man, it’s really like an HDRi environment

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I see,I was hopeing it works like a volumetric shader.