Need for more viewport zoom

I don’t know. I don’t have a numpad, so I can’t use them.

well if you can’t be bothered to turn on numpad emulation and test it out I don’t understand why you are immediately dismissing pie menus since you have no experience with what you’re suggesting? Not exactly making informed recommendations are you?
I can tell you that none of the numpad hotkeys are modal, and all of them (or nearly all iirc) are accessible via the built in pie menus.

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Oh, I get it now. I use the “industry compatible” key map instead of the “Blender” one.

So, when enabling emulate numpad, the majority of the regular keys simply stop working. Though + and - seem to be correctly transferred, bizarrely.

So, maybe that means, some of the numpad keys are not assigned in industry compatible mode, and the camera navigation keys are entirely disabled.

What a confusing mess.

By the way, the emulated keys in Blender are indeed continuous (hold them down and navigation continues), so I don’t think that means “modal”, if that’s Blender speak.

Ah yeah, that’s not actually continuous, in the sense that Blender is doing something special, that’s your OS detecting a repeat-key event and firing the same key event repeatedly, just like if you were to open a text editor and hold down the “a” key you would see “aaaaaaaaaaa” until you released it. It’s actually possible to mimic this behavior with almost any operator in blender, regardless of how the operator was triggered, by using the ‘repeat last’ hotkey (by default Shift+R). Unfortunately the view3d operators are not among those included because, frankly, this is a use case they probably did not anticipate. There’s no reason they wouldn’t work with repeat-last, so support could be added pretty easily. If it were supported by repeat-last (using the pie menu example), you would pie menu to ‘orbit left’ or whatever, then hold shift+R afterward to repeat it as many times as you like.