Well, Technical artists are just a subset of artists. I understand a tool must be done for the public it is intended to, but my main point was not about if it would be a good tool for technical artists. It is that it may be a tool easy enough for not-so-technical artists.
Yet, it would start a debate of hard-dedicated tools vs easy-general ones.
Wouldn’t you rather for your tool to be as reachable as possible? At least the basics, the first look at your system. Expert users may use more specific, harder-to-use tools, but in a perfect world, a newbie should be able to understand a hard, cluttered node tree, with enough time and dedication.
Well, I can see what you are saying there, those are things commonly used in programming.
Even with agreeing with you GN being some kind of programming language, you cannot remove from it the abstraction layer that there must exist for it to be a node “visual” language, and the width of that layer determines the “features” that are in and outside the possibilities, for simplicity sake.
As for the API argument, even if it may not hit the bull’s eye, you have a given toolset, and with fields it is really “safe” and simple. And probably keeping variables moves even more the balance towards the “programming language” point of view.
However, if we step back and see the GN as functions you can call, there is no need to look at a node tree to understand its outputs, as any variable not passed as an output simply does not exist. That aligns with the API i was talking about.
Yet again, you will also need to make the algorithms. What is the problem with fields? Do we all agree that with fields we all will be able to do exactly the same as with variables?
I can see it being slower to make, at least in the beggining, but not impossible.
And in programming, usually the first principle is readability.
That is not an issue. This is OpenSource, and as so we never rely on the core developers for any feature if good enough to be added.
If there is enough people wanting that feature, someone in the community will fullfill it.
And that I think is not my opinion, but the way it is.