Merging the Musgrave Texture and Noise Texture nodes

Exactly. And sometimes reading a little bit of the topic/PR description can also help :slightly_smiling_face:

I think it will be helpful if someone provided exact properties we should enter in Noise Texture to get exact texture that Musgrave had on default. So that we know how to go to same starting point as before

I wonder if this (“Allow adding multiple search items per type in add menu”) can be applied to the Noise node too.

After Mix Color (MixRGB) was merged into the one Mix node, this made it can be reachable with “mix color” keyword, and using it initiate the node with Color mode. Making Nosie node searchable with “musgrave” keyword and initiating the node with Musgrave settings may be helpful for existing workflow.

Maybe having a concept of texture setting pre-sets can be more helpful considering new types of textures with many different settings (like this) are in development. But I guess this is another story.



Several efforts were made to break the new shader, to see if previous looks could not be achieved. It was noted that the pre-final workflow seemed broken (or, undesired), and this was addressed with some reasonable compromise, I think. But the math/input settings for the unified node are discussed above, and should completely work for creating a musgrave noise with identical output.

If there’s a example that shows a fail, please post as a bug report.

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Input wise the only difference between the Musgrave and the new Noise node is that you have a Roughness input instead of the Dimension input and an additional Distortion input.
To get the old Musgrave behavior just leave Distortion at 0.0.
As for the Roughness input the conversion formula is Roughness=Lacunarity^{-Dimension}.

That would just be redundant because the “Musgrave settings” would be identical to the Noise Texture settings.

I want to stress again that apart from changing the Dimension input to the Roughness input both nodes are the same, so having both of them would just be duplicate functionality, because the Roughness input is superior in almost every aspect.


Hello, @Hoshinova is just that you don’t use the same way. i mean the Texture Musgrave in the Shading Editor.
As i prove in the picture above Musgrave Texture produces a different set of curves than the Noise, Voronoi, Stucci, Musgrave, Noise all in higher frequencies seems to be alike, but… they are super different in lower frequencies.
I can’t achieve the same crisp, juicy, nice lines, adobe illustrator ish lines with this new noise, it just not the same.
As i said i have a workflow, and withou musgrave it breakes apart. Im making anime and animegame and all my research went to distort pbr, normals, metal, whatever and achieve the look. Just last week i did these.
NOW THAT EEVEE HAVE DISPLACEMENT YOU TAKE OUT THE HEIGHT MAP, you know. As i prove above is not the same, just repeat. Just lost 10 hours of work the weekend because of this.
Gotta have a way of Musgrave back, even if is addon. This is just… as i said, this is just too much arbitrary as there enormous workflows as i use that make use of musgrave per curves it produces, when used to distort.
As just Eevee have displacement cant just get rid of the height map that is used to drive normals and what else could be plugged in. I pretty sure no one here uses like these, but liveing and learning what poor, Brics people do, hehe.
So pretty please, there gotta be a way, and a way to get Stucci, marble and other textures from the Texture properties and make avaiable at in the texture shading. That would be in fact a truly update to the shading tab.
The new noise is good but as i said, it just not justify deleting 20kb of information, just for that. The only thing im using Blender and gets deleted, it took me two days, one session of psychoanalysis to calm myself down and type this. I got even angrier just to make the comparison. hehe. Help a brazillian fella make his job, one anime rpg about Brazillian Cerrado.
Here my stuff, blender procedural, my workflow in no classical approach to 3d, thats why i came out of nowhere here, at 23h30 here in Brazil i opened Blender to make a quick shader with Musgrave and Voronoi, i read everything here with horror in my eyes. xD
Anyway, if needed i can record, make more stuff to prove my case and the IMPORTANCE of not deleting something as 20 years old without further and a looooong period of advertising, it was GOD, as im catholic, that made me find these here, hehe. So thats my case.
I was going to work today as sunday and i work for myself… trying to talk with one dev of Blender for artists if he can guide me to put it back.
I know i read as super rude, but you have to realize how this fluffed my everything, just one small thing like musgrave texture. You neve know what is truly important until is gone. xD

Just days ago made this, theres Musgrave texture, and i cant even open now… the colors and displacement are Voronoi and musgrave blended.

@Rafael The (improved) noise node can produce exactly the same output as the Musgrave node used to, making Musgrave redundant. You just have to know which values to use for the Noise node to get the Musgrave result. Mathematically they are the same.

I think there is some work being done on the documentation side to explain how to do this. In the mean time you could create a Musgrave texture the way you like it in blender 4.0.1, and then open the file with 4.1 and blender will add the needed math nodes to convert the Musgrave inputs to Noise inputs to give you the exact same result. This way you can get a feel for how to set up the Noise node to generate Musgrave.

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I made your shader setup in 3.6 then saved it and loaded it in 4.1. I see no difference.

@Rafael I think the latest comments from @Baardaap and @Bobo_The_Imp already answer everything.

If you’re still skeptical about this just upload your Blender 3.6, 4.0 or 4.0.1 file here and I’ll upload a version of it where the shader outputs are identical when opened in 4.1.

It’s important that the .blend file you upload was saved in a Blender version prior to 4.1 or else it won’t work.

Thats the thing, dont use the same file and import, build the same thing using noise from the ground up in 4.1
You cant get this result in 4.1
You values game this image, i had to tweak a bit more to get close.
Make a new file insert the same value as you did.

Use Fac instead of Color in the Noise Texture outputs and you’ll get the same result

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Please everyone, keep this task on topic. It’s a developer forum, for user support there are various other forums and places on the internet.

As mentioned before, the exact same results are possible. But since this seems a bit unclear, enhancements to the manual and release notes can be made I think.

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Thomas, with respect - when there’s such a significant change in something like this, a user posting “this change doesn’t work correctly” in a thread that was specifically created to discuss the upcoming change - does not appear off-topic.

I’ll agree that the issue appears to be resolved now, but the question was valid.


The release notes have been updated to feature instructions on how to get the Noise Texture to have same output as Musgrave: Reference/Release Notes/4.1/Rendering - Blender Developer Wiki
Hope this helps.


Its a 4.1 file, new file, im inputing the values i got from importing a 3.6 file into 4.1.
I never get the visual if i go direct to the new noise.
I could make the last example work some days ago.
When i say i cant get the same result going directly with a fresh file in 4.1.
If i import it works right away.
For the regular mentally retarde user like me, it does not work. =]
Cant you put it back, as he asks again knowingly that blender devs once they go in a way they won’t go back…

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Actually, there is seems to be an issue.
Here is a blend file: noise_diff.blend

And I can replicate conversion result by adding Map Range node.
Looks like hidden leveling adjustments happening in converted node.

That file opens here with a normalize checkbox (main from a few days ago)