…there’s even an incidence angle past which the refracted ray ceases to exist…
I remember this! It’s Critical Angle. Once go past this angle, there’ll only be Total Internal Reflection, as you said.
…formula for the direction of the reflected ray (a very simple one)…
Just want to add that it is: r = i−2[(i•n)n] with n has already been normalized. I vaguely remember that Blender automatically normalizes n.
…Fresnel coefficients…
I think I will pass this haha. Its math and its theories looks scary. Luckily I’m not having any application for it.
The light simulation site certainly is very useful.
…but this is a forum meant for blender development topics…
Thank you. The Total Internal Reflection was the last thing I needed your help with, I’ve had all my questions answered by you. I will chat with you on Blender.chat when I need your help in the future, hope you don’t mind.
It seems like the developers aren’t planning to implement your codes, they only care about performance, they seem to want to keep it that way. But your patch is still there and they acknowledge it though.
I really appreciate what you’ve done.
I’m lucky to receive help from you. Have a good day!