MacOS - Blender as a Python Module: Build Errors

I had to disable Open MP and Audaspace in order for the Python module to build properly on MacOS.

  • OpenMP causes “undefined symbols for x86_64” in multiple Ceres locations
  • Audaspace causes Numpy include issues despite clearly showing that Numpy is installed

I feel strange about this requirement though. Open MP is for parallelism, correct? Audaspace is the audio library if I’m not mistaken.

Is there any chances that I could resolve those build errors and get a “complete”, so to speak?

Here was my build script (post installation of Python and CMake) for those interested:

export PATH="/Applications/":"$PATH"
echo PATH="/Applications/":"\$PATH" >> ~/.profile
echo PATH="/Applications/":"\$PATH" >> ~/.bash_profile
mkdir .blenderpy
cd .blenderpy
mkdir master
cd master
git clone
cd blender
make update
cd ..
mkdir build_bpy_darwin_custom
cd build_bpy_darwin_custom
make install

@jacksund Yes