Macbook pro touchbar implementation

And it would be a good decision in case Blender had a complete interface. But this is not the case, even the tabs for the editors is something much more important, fix the sidebar tabs or the dozens of interface problems more pressing than this.

So a generous volunteer is willing to give up some of their spare time to make a pretty thing that is Mac-only? The appropriate reply to that proposition is “Thank you very much!” not “why are you not working on this other thing instead?” LOL


You’re assuming it’ll be the same dev working on both issues, which may not be the case. if there’s a volunteer that wants to work on this, let them! who are you to manage their spare time.

And on platform specific functionality, we have done it before in the past, displaying progress in the task-bar button? mac had it before any of the other platforms did.

So if there’s someone wanting to make a touchbar implementation, lets not stand in their way! however I partially agree with you, if there is no volunteer, the core devs should have better things to work on. (but again are free to do whatever they please in their spare time)


If someone voluntarily wants to develop it, I’m not going to be the one to stop them. Honestly, I find it hard to believe that a person without knowledge of the blender code can make a correct and powerful implementation. And even less that the developers, who don’t seem to have time to do patch reviews like this one, of 200 lines, can embark on just reviewing it.

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You’re going off the assumption that unless you are a paid core dev you know nothing about the codebase and can’t possibly make an implementation that will make it into blender? Seems silly and somewhat selling many of the great volunteers that work on blender short.

and yeah codereview has been a trouble spot for the longest time, I hope that now that core devs are required to spend 2 days a week on the tracker/codereview things will improve, but time will tell.


I don’t assume anything, is what OP himslef tell in his message in twitter. That he don’t know nothing about code or macos development.

I meant ‘a volunteer’ in general, not specifically OP.

But even if it is, if he want to work on it! Go OP! programming can be fun!


sculpt brushes, select tools… basically all the stuff that’s currently stuck on the left bar.

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Just got my hands on a MacBook with a Touch bar and it is interesting for sure.
For now I am still looking at it in general but I think one option to get quick shortcuts and marcos on there is to use a third party add on such as Better Touch Tools. This would be an easy solution that doesn’t need Blender specific API knowledge or code experience.
Just a thought and I wish you luck with you quest.