Interactive Editor Docking is Now Experimental

Wasn’t really sure where to leave this comment, but just a small thing I noticed (and this was the case before the new docking):

Almost every ‘release to confirm’ action in blender can be cancelled by right clicking, this includes moving around docks to new areas, splitting, joining, etc. But the one thing you can’t seem to cancel is adjusting the size of editor areas (signified by the double-sided arrow cursor). Is there a reason for that? Or something just not thought to be implemented?

Edit: Just realized you can cancel it, but with the escape button only.

Anyway, the new editor docking feels great from my testing :+1:


It would be even better if there was a menu tearing and docking function like C4D!

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@Harleya I’m not sure if you’re still looking for feedback on the current design, or other small changes you’re making. If you are, where would be the best place to share it? At the moment I will share my feedback here.

I personally feel the slight snap at the center of the editor, introduced in this commit is too agressive. And I would personally tune the snap range down:

  /* Slight snap to center when no modifiers are held. */
  if (fac >= 0.48f && fac < 0.5f) {
    fac = 0.499999f;
  else if (fac >= 0.5f && fac < 0.52f) {
    fac = 0.500001f;

I certainly am. 4.4 is a great time to optimize and fine-tune these things.

I adjusted that snap range down to exactly as you suggested. Let me know if that, or anything else could use a tweak.


Thanks for updating the snapping. That’s all the feedback I have at the moment.

If there is any more feedback we’d like to give, where would be the best place to give it? A thread titled Interactive Editor Docking is Now Experiemental doesn’t seem like to right place to give feedback as the feature is no longer experiementa.

Not sure as it might depend on the nature of the feedback and who is giving it.

This one was from a developer recommending a very targeted change, in which case just a DM might have worked. For anyone else probably a comment in the “user-interface” chat channel for tweaks. Maybe even a RCS post for larger ideas. I’m game for any way that gets my attention.

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