Font preview/thumbnail?

Well, I typed TTF as TFF. Typo would be a big reason why I couldn’t get it to work :roll_eyes:

How can I show previews/thumbnails of fonts? Something like this works for images ,but I can’t figure out if fonts is possible. I know when you load fonts and switch view to thumbnails it shows.

def generate_previews():
    pcoll = preview_collections["thumbnail_previews"]
    image_location = pcoll.images_location
    VALID_EXTENSIONS = ('.png', '.jpg', '.jpeg')

    enum_items = []

    # Generate the thumbnails
    for i, image in enumerate(os.listdir(image_location)):
        if image.endswith(VALID_EXTENSIONS):
            filepath = os.path.join(image_location, image)
            thumb = pcoll.load(filepath, filepath, 'IMAGE')
            enum_items.append((image, image, "", thumb.icon_id, i))

    return enum_items

I tried changing

thumb = pcoll.load(filepath, filepath, 'IMAGE')


thumb = pcoll.load(filepath, filepath, 'FONT')

for valid extensions I tried

VALID_EXTENSIONS = ('.tff', '.fon')