Fields and Anonymous Attributes [Proposal]


Hi all! Jacques and I have finished up a basic prototype of this proposal, the first of two prototypes. The prototype isn’t meant to be a complete implementation, and in order to get it done quicker we made some compromises, hacked a bit, and didn’t complete some of the features. But generally it should work well at giving an idea of how this would work in a more complete version.

Here is a screenshot of how selections work with this patch-- much more intuitive I think! Fabian’s extrude patch is already there as well, as an example of a mesh node that takes a selection input.

I wouldn’t recommend opening existing files with this branch, since we didn’t spend any time working on versioning yet.

Here are the supported nodes at this point. There may be more in the future, but probably not all of the nodes for the prototype.

Example File

If you want a place to start, I’ve posted a demo file with a few simple examples like the above here:


The macOS build seems to be failing at the moment, I restarted the build