Eevee needs to have physically based defaults

Hey, it seems like those changes were comitted, right?
So where can I see those new defaults?

Today’s build looks like this:



Yes, I saw the same. It’s really weird that the changes aren’t there yet.

@fclem ? :slight_smile:

Have you tried factory defaults?

Yes, obviously :slight_smile: Still there even with factory setup.

I did not notice this issue myself because my own startup file already contained new defaults. Looks like factory default startup files are not autogenerated and contain old defaults so they need to be updated manually. Currently new defaults are only used if you open a file from 2.79 or earlier.

I think the following binary files need to be changed:


To update them I removed ~/.config/blender/2.80 to make sure everything is back to factory default, run Blender and change Bloom and Shutter settings to new defaults, then make sure UI as it was in the beginning, save as new startup file and commit it, and then do these steps for all other startup files. When finished, I got patch to update startup files. One strange thing about it, startup file size for Sculpting increased from 434272 to 2607396 bytes, I’m not sure why yet.

Better fix was committed by Brecht, it was much simpler than I initially thought, he just added new Eevee defaults to source/blender/blenloader/intern/versioning_defaults.c and there was no need to touch binary startup files.

Only “factory default” startup files will be affected, so if somebody has custom startup.blend they need to update it manually.