ok, i guess if we take that as gospel, that also outrules gitlab premium edition.
maybe I’m mistaken, but from quick googling i don’t think either gitlab or gitea allow you to upload patches. So how will the development workflow in the future look like?
i guess there would have to be some access control with one role that would allow any user to create a branch, but only be able to make commits on own branches.
and another role for trusted users who are able to make commits on any branch.
I know that in GitLab you can protect certain branches, but I don’t know if there is a way to whitelist the branches a user is allowed to commit on.
alternative to access control would be to allow anyone to fork - but does BF want to store all of the user forks? Maybe pull requests from other hosted copies of the same git repo can be made - but that would just mean that users fork on github and then make the pull request on gitlab / gitea (if that even is possible)
to be honest i dont know what you can setup with build in tools in gitlab (or gitea) and what kind of stuff would need custom stuff. but i think this is the aspect that requires most attention rn, because afaik the self hosted versions of gitea and gitlab are designed to be run within an organisation, where you can have a base level of trust against users.