I am trying to build cycles scene from fbx file using fbx sdk.
This is how I am calculating the Cycles transform from a FbxNode.
The meshes are not positioned properly they are displayed as if they are thrown a part in different directions.
Any idea what I am doing wrong?
Can someone help me?
Thanks in advance.
FbxAMatrix& fbx_transform = CalculateGlobalTransform(fbx_node);
Transform& cycles_transform = fbx_matrix_to_cycles_transform(&fbx_transform );
FbxAMatrix CalculateGlobalTransform(FbxNode *pNode)
FbxAMatrix &lGlobalTransform = pNode->EvaluateGlobalTransform();
return lGlobalTransform;
Transform fbx_matrix_to_cycles_transform(const FbxAMatrix &matrix)
FbxVector4 &translation = matrix.GetT();
FbxVector4 &rotation = matrix.GetR();
FbxVector4 &scale = matrix.GetS();
Transform &transform = transform_euler(make_float3(rotation.mData[0], rotation.mData[1], rotation.mData[2]));
transform.x.x = scale.mData[0];
transform.x.w = translation.mData[0];
transform.y.y = scale.mData[1];
transform.y.w = translation.mData[1];
transform.z.z = scale.mData[2];
transform.z.w = translation.mData[2];
return transform;
March 14, 2020, 9:57pm
You’re overwriting the rotation with the scale. It’s easier not to decompose that matrix into translation/rotation/scale at all, just copy the first 3 rows of the FBX matrix to the Cycles transform.
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Thank you @brecht for your quick and continuous support
Hi @brecht ,
Instead of copying rows, if I copy columns, it works fine. But the only problem is it is mirrored.
Here is my code. Can you please help me in fixing this?
Thanks in advance.
Transform fbx_matrix_to_cycles_transform(const FbxAMatrix &matrix)
Transform transform;
transform.x.x = matrix.Get(0, 0);
transform.x.y = matrix.Get(1, 0);
transform.x.z = matrix.Get(2, 0);
transform.x.w = matrix.Get(3, 0);
transform.y.x = matrix.Get(0, 1);
transform.y.y = matrix.Get(1, 1);
transform.y.z = matrix.Get(2, 1);
transform.y.w = matrix.Get(3, 1);
transform.z.x = matrix.Get(0, 2);
transform.z.y = matrix.Get(1, 2);
transform.z.z = matrix.Get(2, 2);
transform.z.w = matrix.Get(3, 2);
return transform;
With Cycles:
Hi All,
What is wrong with the below code?
I have been struggling to make it work. Basically I am trying to map Fbx Matrix to Cycles Transform.
Please help me.
Thanks in advance.
FbxAMatrix GetOffsetMatrix(const FbxNode *pNode)
const FbxVector4 lT = pNode->GetGeometricTranslation(FbxNode::eSourcePivot);
const FbxVector4 lR = pNode->GetGeometricRotation(FbxNode::eSourcePivot);
const FbxVector4 lS = pNode->GetGeometricScaling(FbxNode::eSourcePivot);
return FbxAMatrix(lT, lR, lS);
// If I use this implementation, the positions of the meshes are not proper. They are misplaced.
Transform fbx_matrix_to_cycles_transform(const FbxAMatrix &matrix)
Transform transform;
transform.x.x = matrix.Get(0, 0);
transform.x.y = matrix.Get(0, 1);
transform.x.z = matrix.Get(0, 2);
transform.x.w = matrix.Get(0, 3);
transform.y.x = matrix.Get(1, 0);
transform.y.y = matrix.Get(1, 1);
transform.y.z = matrix.Get(1, 2);
transform.y.w = matrix.Get(1, 3);
transform.z.x = matrix.Get(2, 0);
transform.z.y = matrix.Get(2, 1);
transform.z.z = matrix.Get(2, 2);
transform.z.w = matrix.Get(2, 3);
return transform;
// If I use this implementation, the positions of the meshes are proper. but their positions are flipped as // shown in the above images.
Transform TransformUtils::fbx_matrix_to_cycles_transform(const FbxAMatrix &matrix)
Transform transform;
transform.x.x = matrix.Get(0, 0);
transform.x.y = matrix.Get(1, 0);
transform.x.z = matrix.Get(2, 0);
transform.x.w = matrix.Get(3, 0);
transform.y.x = matrix.Get(0, 1);
transform.y.y = matrix.Get(1, 1);
transform.y.z = matrix.Get(2, 1);
transform.y.w = matrix.Get(3, 1);
transform.z.x = matrix.Get(0, 2);
transform.z.y = matrix.Get(1, 2);
transform.z.z = matrix.Get(2, 2);
transform.z.w = matrix.Get(3, 2);
return transform;
FbxAMatrix lGlobalPosition = fbx_node->EvaluateGlobalTransform();
FbxAMatrix lGeometryOffset = GetOffsetMatrix(fbx_node);
FbxAMatrix lFinalPosition = lGlobalPosition * lGeometryOffset;
Transform cycles_global_transform = fbx_matrix_to_cycles_transform(lFinalPosition);
April 24, 2020, 1:05pm
Cycles uses row major layout so fbx_matrix_to_cycles_transform
seems most correct.
But I’m not familiar with how FBX transforms work, or why you are composing matrices like this. I would expect there to be a simpler way to do this in the FBX SDK. For Cycles you need an object space to world space transform matrix.
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