Collection Exporter feedback and discussion

Is it possible to add a Blender file format in the list of exporters. This would be very useful for the production pipelines where users are working on the asset in the working file and when it needs to be published/exported to a file that will be linked to the scene assembly file then we would be able to export it from the Collection Exporters.

Any info if this can be done easily or?


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I’ve been using this for a bit now, and it works great! Speeds workflows up so much.

There is one vital addition i’d like to be there. And that is offset/origin points.

Collections already have an instancing offset, it would be great if there is an option (maybe through a toggle) to use that offset as the world origin point for the export.

I think this feature is a must to get the full potential of this collection exporter feature. Exporting assets from asset blend files this way would be amazing workflow wise that way.


I am trying to automatically create a collection exporter for my custom mesh import/export addon.
I am trying to use bpy.ops.collection.exporter_add(name="IO_FH_foobar") but it adds the exporter to the previously active collection. Is there a way to provide the collection name as input to this operator?
The other way is to recurse over bpy.context.window.view_layer.layer_collection.children and return the layer collection that matches the name of the newly created collection, then set bpy.context.view_layer.active_layer_collection to the found layer collection.