Blender UI paper cuts

I tried it with an area light 4 by 4 meters in size, redraws were clearly visible.But also with a point light and a bigger radius it doesn’t behave like what you demoed. If you already tried the latest version, try it again with updated GPU drivers. As you said it’s no big issue, but if it still doesn’t work with updated drivers I’d say write a bug report, might be a useful info for the devteam.

Edit: Thanks for the info @a.monti :slightly_smiling_face:

Also adding to that redraw bug I’d really like soft shadows redrawing to be paused completely while move, rotate and scale tools are active. This will provide much smoother workflow.
It’s nice to be able to preview soft shadows in a viewport, you actually want them on, but so much flickering will kill you and you are basically forced to turn them off.

After introducing PCF shadows and Soft Shadows on by default it’s redraw logic needs to be reworked badly otherwise there is no point in Soft Shadows on in a viewport.

when using Unit system in a scene, one cannot copy Number field with units into the unitles field.
For example when set to meters. I cannot copy value from X location into the Scale field(which is unitless)

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That sounds like more than a tiny thing. This means that “ctrl-c” is copying the text that is displayed in the input, instead of the actual value. This would also have other implications since we sometimes show inputs with less precision than they are stored.

You should submit this as a bug.

Edit: It is copying the full precision of the input to the clipboard, not just what is displayed. So the only error is that it is including the unit.


There is a useless header at the bottom of file browser window, and also it features a mispelled (and ambiguous) “Move Files” entry

Also using that Recent menu returns error

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Just wondering… wasn’t collections also in the list of possible things to rename in the new batch rename tool? Would be cool to have it. Manually renaming a bunch of
collections is a pain in the butt.



I have verified that in version 2.81 and 2.82 of today, in Windows, selected a bone of an Armature in Edit Mode and pressing Ctrl + TAB shows a Pie Menu with (Object, Edit and Pose Modes), but once you change mode to Object or Pose, does not appear again.
I find this very confusing, I think that Ctrl + TAB should always show the same Pie Menu.
I know that Shift + TAB and Shift + Ctrl + TAB conflict with the Snaps, but if there is no better solution, perhaps it is even better to eliminate the Menu Pie.


So tiresome to have to remove instances and then re-link everything all the bloody time.

No other app I know of does this. Max just applies modifiers to all instances seamlessly, and for example Rhino (a different kind of 3D app, but still) just says that this broke the current instance and you need to re-link.


A popup with the options

  • Apply to this, break instance
  • Apply to all instances
  • Don’t apply

could be better


@eobet @Alberto

Thanks for the feature idea, I implemented this in my Modifier List addon.


Awesome. I should highlight that the second error message is from me attempt to apply a transform to a linked object, so it’s not just modifiers that Blender is stubborn with.

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I believe there was backface culling option for Eevee/Cycles, was it moved or removed?wasn’t that useful?

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This video is lovely and all, but all I can think of is “a new user will just consider Blender’s depth pass to suck and be unusable, and will have no clue that the weirdly named mist option is what they actually want”:

The usability with the dragging handles of that mist option actually looks good in this case, and I see there’s a real world unit input as well which is great (although in a completely different place than enabling the actual option… which is bad).


I don’t know if this counts as a UI papercu but whenn you have the “Emulate 3 button mouse” option enabled in the Blender Preferences, you cannot use the Alt+LMB to turn or change values for multiple objects at once, like for example if you had a bunch of duplicate objects with the same modifiers and you want to disable a specific modifier for all of them at once, you can’t do that when Emalute 3 mouse buttons option is enabled. Could there be a different shortcut set for people who use laptops?

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It’s material based.

This is apparently still the way to access iCloud Drive on MacOS with Blender (haven’t looked into how to do that on Windows yet). I had to search for it… did anyone find it on their own, I wonder?


I think Official, Community, Testing should also gain a Downloaded button.

Sticking downloaded add-ons under the “User” submenu (and having the same icon as built-in Community add-ons) hides downloaded add-ons too much, which is probably what you most often want to find in this menu.

Also, does this imply that Downloaded/User add-ons aren’t allowed to be a part of any of the categorised headings that built-in add-ons can be sorted under?


The Keymap preferences has an Import & Export button, but the Themes preferences only has an Import & Reset button. This should be made more consistent, and all three buttons should be visible and in the same place on both preference panels.

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I know this is hardly a Paper Cut but has anybody considered the User Preferences interface being re-designed along the grounds of the Outliner with the Tree navigation fully on left side, with the final information for change on the right?

You could make use of favourites, filtering and maybe allow part of the tree to be visible (the rest hidden) for the particular task you are working on, say when sorting out Theme colours etc.

Maybe if you use Blender, Theming might be of no interest at all, so hide it and unclutter the tree navigation even more.


The settings are fine imo, if there’s something that would need to change in the theming part, that should happen only within that part of the settings. Personally, I think some parts should be joined IF the theme uses the same colors, for example “user interface” section or theme space sub-section, but that’s more than just a paper cut.

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