Axis Systems used in Blender and Cycles

In the Fbx file, the axis system information, unit scale information are also stored.
Using FbxSDK, we can convert the entire scene to desired axis system and scale.

I am doing like this.

  FbxAxisSystem actual_axis_system = fbx_scene->GetGlobalSettings().GetAxisSystem();
  FbxAxisSystem cycles_axis_system(FbxAxisSystem::eZAxis, FbxAxisSystem::eParityOdd, FbxAxisSystem::eRightHanded);
  if (actual_axis_system != cycles_axis_system) {

  FbxGlobalSettings &global_settings = fbx_scene->GetGlobalSettings();
  if (global_settings.GetSystemUnit() != FbxSystemUnit::m) {
    const FbxSystemUnit::ConversionOptions lConversionOptions = {
        false, /* mConvertRrsNodes */
        true,  /* mConvertLimits */
        true,  /* mConvertClusters */
        true,  /* mConvertLightIntensity */
        true,  /* mConvertPhotometricLProperties */
        true   /* mConvertCameraClipPlanes */

    // Convert the scene to meters using the defined options.
    FbxSystemUnit::m.ConvertScene(fbx_scene, lConversionOptions);